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发布时间:2018-08-10 22:30
【摘要】:举证时限制度是举证责任制度的重要组成部分,是民事审判程序中的重要内容。它是落实我国民事举证责任制度以及审限制度不可缺少的组成部分,也是实现程序公正与提高司法效益的关键。2001年《最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据若干问题的规定》以司法解释的形式确立了举证时限制度,结束了我国长期以来实行的当事人可以在诉讼中的任何阶段随时举证的历史,实行证据适时提出主义,这在民事诉讼制度改革历史上具有里程碑的意义。2008年最高人民法院又发布了《关于适用关于民事诉讼证据若干问题的规定中有关举证时限规定的通知》是对举证时限制度的进一步完善。这一制度虽然对促进我国司法改革进一步向着公正和高效的方向发展提供了有利的法律保障,但这一制度所体现的程序正义及提高诉讼效率的价值理念,在司法实践中与实现案件的实体正义发生冲突,影响了举证时限作为一项程序制度所能发挥的独特作用。因此,举证时限制度还有待进一步完善。鉴于此,本文从民事诉讼举证时限制度的概念和性质入手,通过对举证时限的功能以及价值进行分析,再结合自举证时限制度设立以来在我国司法实践中存在的问题,力求从多方面对举证时限制度存在的问题进行原因分析,并在此基础上提出一些完善我国举证时限制度的举措,从而进一步完善我国的举证时限制度。 正文第一章主要论述举证时限制度的基本问题。包括举证时限制度的概念,性质,种类。通过对举证时限与举证责任制度的区别以及举证时限制度性质的分析更进一步理解举证时限的涵义。 第二章主要分析了举证时限制度得以建立的法理基础,将举证时限制度放入整个民事诉讼程序中进行分析,明确了举证时限制度的重大意义,进一步分析了举证时限的价值目标。 第三章论述了我国举证时限制度确立的基本内容以及存在的问题。首先,从举证时限的确定方式,举证时限与证据交换,举证时限与证据失权,新的证据四个方面,重要论述了举证时限的两种确定方式,以及与证据交换的关系,证据失权所引起的法律后果以及例外情况“新发现的证据”。其次,分析了我国现行举证时限制度存在的问题,同时也分析了存在问题的原因:举证时限制度与实体公正发生冲突,“重实体,轻程序”观念的影响,限制了举证时限制度积极发挥其作用。 第四章,完善我国举证时限制度的构想。以前三章的分析论述为基础,,指出完善举证时限制度所要考虑的因素,对举证时限制度的完善提出了建议。以立法形式明确规定举证时限制度,注重吸收我国司法实践中的经验,从法律规范本身出发,进一步完善我国民事举证时限制度。
[Abstract]:The system of time limit of proof is an important part of the system of burden of proof and an important content of civil trial procedure. It is an indispensable part of the implementation of the civil burden of proof system and the system of trial limit in China. It is also the key to realize procedural justice and improve judicial efficiency. In 2001, the Supreme people's Court established the system of time limit of proof in the form of judicial interpretation. Putting an end to the long history of the parties being able to present evidence at any stage of the proceedings, and practicing the doctrine of timely presentation of evidence. This is a milestone in the history of civil litigation system reform. In 2008, the Supreme people's Court issued the notice on the Application of certain provisions on evidence in Civil Litigation concerning the time limit of proof. Further improvement of the time limit system. Although this system provides favorable legal guarantee to promote the development of judicial reform in China towards the direction of justice and efficiency, it embodies the value concept of procedural justice and improving the efficiency of litigation. In judicial practice, there is conflict with the realization of substantive justice in cases, which affects the unique role that the time limit of proof can play as a procedural system. Therefore, the system of the time limit of proof needs to be further improved. In view of this, this paper starts with the concept and nature of the system of the time limit of proof in civil litigation, through the analysis of the function and value of the time limit of proof, and then combines the problems existing in the judicial practice of our country since the establishment of the system of the time limit of proof. This paper tries to make an analysis of the causes of the problems existing in the system of the time limit of proof from many aspects, and puts forward some measures to perfect the system of the time limit of proof in our country on this basis, so as to further perfect the system of the time limit of proof in our country. The first chapter mainly discusses the basic problems of the time limit of proof system. Including the concept, nature and category of the system of time limit of proof. Through the analysis of the difference between the time limit of proof and the system of burden of proof, and the analysis of the nature of the system of proof time limit, the meaning of the time limit of proof is further understood. The second chapter mainly analyzes the legal basis of the establishment of the system of the time limit of proof, puts the system of the time limit of proof into the whole civil procedure for analysis, and clarifies the great significance of the system of the time limit of proof. The paper further analyzes the value goal of the time limit of proof. The third chapter discusses the basic content and existing problems of the establishment of the time limit of proof system in our country. First of all, from four aspects of the determination of the time limit of proof, the time limit of proof and the exchange of evidence, the time limit of proof and the loss of power of evidence, the paper discusses the two ways of determining the time limit of proof and the relationship between the time limit of proof and the exchange of evidence. The legal consequences of the loss of power of evidence and the exception of "newly discovered evidence". Secondly, it analyzes the problems existing in the present system of proof in our country, and at the same time, analyzes the causes of the problems: the conflict between the system of time of proof and the justice of the entity, the influence of the concept of "attaching importance to substance and neglecting the procedure". Limit the time limit of proof system to play its role. The fourth chapter, consummates our country proof time limit system the idea. Based on the analysis of the previous three chapters, this paper points out the factors to be considered in perfecting the system of the time limit of proof, and puts forward some suggestions for the perfection of the system of the time limit of proof. In the form of legislation, the system of the time limit of proof is clearly stipulated, and the system of civil time limit of proof in our country is further perfected from the point of view of the legal norm itself, focusing on absorbing the experience of judicial practice in our country.


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1 赵丹;我国举证时限制度研究[D];中国政法大学;2011年

2 姚洪宇;我国举证时限制度完善[D];中央民族大学;2011年

3 孙永全;我国民事举证时限制度的反思与完善[D];西南政法大学;2008年

4 王衍琴;举证时限制度之反思[D];山东大学;2008年

5 高佳;民事诉讼举证时限制度研究[D];内蒙古大学;2009年




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