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发布时间:2018-08-12 09:01
【摘要】:为了遏制司法实践中的恶意诉讼现象、回应诉讼外第三人的权利救济需求,我国《民事诉讼法》在2012年修改时吸收借鉴了域外立法经验,引入第三人撤销之诉制度。但由于立法过程仓促、理论论证不足,我国第三人撤销之诉凸显出适格原告范围存在缺陷、程序性质不明、具体适用程序缺失、与其他事后救济程序关系尚未厘清的问题,致使应有的权利救济功能难以得到充分有效地发挥。 本文在明确第三人撤销之诉属于特殊救济程序的基础上,主张其适用应当坚持诉权保障、诉讼效益原则。遵循这一指导原则,结合对域外立法的考察比较,对我国第三人撤销之诉的完善予以探讨。在适格原告方面,以相关主体与原诉诉讼标的、裁判结果有无法律上利害关系作为适格原告的判断基准,扩大理解适格原告的范围。在具体程序完善方面,明确了立案审查、具体审理程序、裁判效力等主要程序事项。在与相关程序的协调衔接方面,对于第三人撤销之诉与其他第三人事后救济程序的关系处理,认为应注重发挥第三人撤销之诉的功能;同时,还需增设事前法院通知制度、参照适用相关制裁措施,以兼顾维护生效裁判的稳定性。
[Abstract]:In order to curb the malevolent litigation phenomenon in judicial practice and respond to the right relief needs of the third party outside the lawsuit, our country's Civil procedure Law adopted the system of the third party's revocation in 2012 by absorbing the foreign legislative experience and introducing the system of the third party's revocation. However, due to the hasty legislative process and insufficient theoretical argumentation, the revocation of the third party in our country highlights the defects in the scope of the suitably qualified plaintiff, the unclear nature of the procedure, the lack of specific applicable procedures, and the unclarified relationship with other ex post relief procedures. As a result, it is difficult to give full play to the right relief function. On the basis of making clear that the third party's revocation is a special relief procedure, this paper argues that the application of the action should adhere to the principle of litigation right protection and litigation benefit. In accordance with this guiding principle and in combination with the investigation and comparison of the extraterritorial legislation, this paper probes into the perfection of the revocation of the third party in our country. In the aspect of suitably plaintiff, the relevant subject and the object of the original lawsuit, whether the judgment result has the legal interest as the judgment standard of the qualified plaintiff, expands the scope of understanding the suitably plaintiff. In the aspect of perfecting the concrete procedure, it clarifies the main procedural matters, such as filing examination, concrete trial procedure, adjudication effect and so on. In the aspect of coordination and convergence with related procedures, the relationship between the third party's revocation action and the other third party's ex post relief procedure should be dealt with, and the function of the third party's revocation should be brought into play; at the same time, the system of prior court notice should be added. Refer to the application of relevant sanctions in order to maintain the stability of the effective referee.


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