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发布时间:2018-08-12 09:30
【摘要】:近年来,随着城市化的不断发展,以房屋为主的不动产越来越成为人们必不可少的生产生活资料,我国《物权法》对不动产的变动规定的是登记生效的原则,即物权变动的效力要靠登记来决定,因此不动产登记对不动产的变动产生了法律效力。这种登记生效的行为一方面对物权人的权利加以法律保护,但是问题也随之产生了,不动产登记在理论界和实践中都被认定是一种行政行为,而不动产的权属争议属于民事纠纷。所以这种不动产登记行为涉及的纠纷不仅仅是行政争议,而是行政争议与民事纠纷的交叉行为,是两种法律关系交叉的状态。 这类的案件在不动产案件中占据了相当一部分比例,面对这类案件,我们是应该提起民事诉讼还是行政诉讼,是值得我们研究的问题,从合理有效解决矛盾,及时化解纠纷,节约司法资源,方便当事人的多个方面综合考虑此类案件的解决方法,针对日益复杂的行政审判中交叉民事案件的纠纷,学界也对此类案件的审理提出了不同的意见,有的学者建议采用合并审理模式,有的学者则认为应该分开审理,综合理论及实践分析,建议采用合并审理的模式,并作出行政附带民事判决。 本文主要通过对延边州法院关于不动产登记民行交叉类的两个案件审理模式的分析,在此基础上,论证合并审理模式的可行性和合理性,支持合并审理模式。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the continuous development of urbanization, the housing based real estate has become an indispensable means of production and livelihood. That is, the effect of real right change depends on registration, so real estate registration has legal effect on real estate change. On the one hand, this kind of registration takes effect, on the one hand, it protects the rights of the real right person, but the problem also arises. The registration of real estate is regarded as an administrative act in theory and practice. The ownership dispute of immovable property belongs to civil dispute. Therefore, this kind of real estate registration involves not only administrative disputes, but also administrative disputes and civil disputes. This kind of cases occupy a considerable proportion of the real estate cases. In the face of such cases, should we institute civil proceedings or administrative proceedings, is a problem worthy of our study, from a reasonable and effective solution to conflicts and to resolve disputes in a timely manner. Saving judicial resources and facilitating parties' comprehensive consideration of the solution of such cases. In view of the increasingly complex disputes in cross-civil cases in administrative trials, scholars have also put forward different opinions on the trial of such cases. Some scholars suggest that the mode of joint trial should be adopted, and some scholars think that the trial should be separated, and the theory and practice should be analyzed, and the mode of joint trial should be adopted, and the administrative incidental civil judgment should be made. Based on the analysis of two trial modes of real estate registration in Yanbian District Court, this paper demonstrates the feasibility and rationality of the combined trial mode and supports the joint-trial model.


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