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发布时间:2018-08-14 16:05
[Abstract]:The contemporary vicissitude of criminal litigation culture and the system reform of criminal procedure are accompanied by symbiosis and mutual influence, which reflect and embody the social changes of contemporary China in the process of modernization and market economy development. In the process of mutual adaptation and effective interaction with contemporary Chinese politics, economy and judicial practice, the discourse system of criminal proceedings has realized the transformation from class as the core to human rights as the core, the value concept and the mode of thinking. The social psychology has also taken place the corresponding transformation. The future development of the culture of criminal procedure is not only a further recognition of the universally applicable concepts of criminal procedure, such as the inadmissibility of self-incrimination, It is also necessary to sum up and promote the current judicial practice experience such as substantial justice and other reasonable factors in the traditional litigation culture, such as criminal reconciliation and so on, so as to pursue the discourse system of criminal proceedings with Chinese characteristics. To realize the transformation and innovation of criminal litigation culture.
【作者单位】: 山西大学法学院;


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