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发布时间:2018-08-15 13:21
[Abstract]:The traditional mode of thinking in China, the concept of obligation as the standard for thousands of years, has greatly hindered the development of the cause of right protection, and it can be said that the resistance is even greater for the prison inmates. Most of the existing discussions on the protection of the rights of prison inmates in China focus on the protection of substantive rights, but rarely on the level of procedural rights. This paper studies the protection of the procedural rights of the prison inmates in our country with the clue of the case of personal practice. The article is divided into four parts. The first part is the elaboration of basic theory. This paper mainly expounds the meaning and characteristics of the procedural rights of prison inmates, and then points out the present situation of the procedural rights of prison inmates in China, which lays the foundation for further study of the thesis. In the second part, the author analyzes the obstacles to the realization of the procedural rights of Chinese prison inmates, and points out the factors that hinder the prison inmates from exercising their procedural rights. The third part expatiates the successful experience of foreign countries, and lays the groundwork for the following suggestions. The fourth part aims at the obstacle factor pointed out in the third part, puts forward the corresponding safeguard countermeasure, synthesizes the full text analysis as well as the overseas successful experience, discusses the suggestion part from the concept construction, the right consummation, the facility and the talented person construction three aspects.


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