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发布时间:2018-08-16 10:31
【摘要】:程序性辩护作为辩护理论发展的新生物,以其不同于实体性辩护的特点为保障被告人的程序性权利,,遏制办案过程中的程序性违法行为提供了救济途径和有效保障。但是实践中,程序性辩护理论制度还不够完善,立法还不够明确,因此难以发挥其重要作用。本文拟以程序性辩护理论中一项重要的规则——程序性辩护的举证责任为方向,在与相关制度(如实体性辩护中的举证责任、民事诉讼的举证责任等)的比较中作具体的探讨和研究。正文共分为四章。 第一章是程序性辩护基本理论概述。分为两节:第一节介绍程序性辩护的基本问题——渊源、主体与客体、特点;第二节介绍程序性辩护的理论基础和诉讼价值。 第二章是程序性辩护视角下的特殊举证责任。分为两节:第一节整体介绍刑事诉讼中的举证责任及分配规则,包括一般分配规则和特殊分配规则(举证责任的转移和倒置);第二节介绍程序性辩护举证责任的特殊性。主要包括在程序性辩护中辩护方要承担最初的举证责任以及举证责任由辩护方向控方的转移。 第三章是程序性辩护举证责任比较研究。分两节:第一节是与民事诉讼举证责任转移的相同点与不同点;第二节是与实体性辩护举证责任分配的比较。在此基础上再次论述程序性辩护举证责任存在转移而不是倒置的理论依据。 第四章是程序性辩护举证责任转移制度的完善。分三节:第一节是在与国外相关的成熟做法比较的基础上,分析实践中程序性辩护举证责任转移现状存在的问题;第二节是对程序性辩护举证责任转移进行具体的程序构建,包括转移的顺位和配套程序的设计;第三节是研究程序性辩护举证责任转移错误的预防和纠正补偿机制。
[Abstract]:Procedural defense, as a new creature in the development of defense theory, provides a remedy and effective guarantee for safeguarding the procedural rights of the accused and containing the procedural illegal acts in the course of handling cases, because of its characteristics different from substantive defense. But in practice, the system of procedural defense theory is not perfect and the legislation is not clear enough, so it is difficult to play its important role. In this paper, an important rule in the theory of procedural defence, the burden of proof in procedural defence, is proposed, and the burden of proof in relation to relevant systems, such as substantive defence, is proposed. In the comparison of the burden of proof and so on, the author makes a concrete discussion and research. The text is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is an overview of the basic theory of procedural defense. It is divided into two sections: the first section introduces the basic problems of procedural defense-the origin, the subject and object, the characteristics, and the second section introduces the theoretical basis and litigation value of procedural defense. The second chapter is the special burden of proof from the perspective of procedural defense. It is divided into two sections: the first section introduces the burden of proof and the rules of distribution in criminal proceedings, including the general allocation rules and special rules (transfer and inversion of the burden of proof); the second section introduces the particularity of the burden of proof in procedural defense. It mainly includes that the defense should bear the initial burden of proof and the burden of proof should be transferred from the defense to the prosecution. The third chapter is a comparative study of the burden of proof in procedural defense. It is divided into two sections: the first section is the similarities and differences with the transfer of the burden of proof in civil proceedings, and the second section is the comparison with the distribution of the burden of proof in substantive defense. On this basis, it discusses the theoretical basis of the shift of the burden of proof in procedural defense and not the inversion of the burden of proof. The fourth chapter is the perfection of the system of transferring the burden of proof in procedural defense. It is divided into three sections: the first section is on the basis of comparing with the mature practices of foreign countries to analyze the problems existing in the present situation of the transfer of the burden of proof of procedural defense in practice, and the second section is to carry out the concrete procedural construction of the transfer of the burden of proof in the procedural defense. The third section is to study the prevention and compensation mechanism of the shift of burden of proof in procedural defense.


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