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发布时间:2018-08-17 15:13
【摘要】:测谎结论能否应用于诉讼之中,其证据属性如何?这个问题自测谎科学被发明以来在世界各国的理论及实务界中都存在着争议,美国在这个问题上显示出开放的开度,同意测谎结论有条件地应用在民事、刑事诉讼之中;而我国对于测谎结论的规定只有最高检《关于CPS多道心理测试鉴定结论能否作为诉讼证据使用的问题批复》中曾作出规定,认为其可以在刑事诉讼中起帮助审判的作用。目前来说,测谎结论在民事诉讼中尚无法规或相关司法解释定位其在司法审判中的作用。为了明白其是否具有证据属性及能否应用在民事诉讼之中,本文通过分析测谎结论的科学性及相关理论研究,再对比借鉴美国关于测谎结论的相关制度,得出测谎结论具备证据属性,是可以作为辅助证据有条件地应用于民事诉讼之中的结论。 文章第一部分主要介绍测谎结论的概念、特征及目前国际上对于其的相关理论及实物研究情况,探讨测谎结论的本质所在。同时列举支持测谎结论成为法定证据的意见与拒绝测谎结论成为法定证据的意见,分析各自道理。 文章第二部分主要列举美国对测谎结论作出规定的有代表性的判例法及部分法院对于测谎结论的使用意见,结合我国相关情况,提出美国使用测谎结论对我国的借鉴意义。 文章第三部分承接美国应用情况对我国的借鉴,提出不同类型能够应用测谎结论的案例,分析测谎结论存在的必要性。再结合国内外研究情况,归纳出测谎结论应用于民事诉讼中的条件及程序,,最后得出结论,即测谎结论可以作为辅助证据在民事诉讼中期帮助审判的作用。
[Abstract]:Since the invention of polygraph science, there have been disputes in the theoretical and practical circles all over the world. The United States has shown openness on this issue, agreeing that polygraph conclusions can be conditionally applied in civil and criminal proceedings; and China has a dispute on polygraph. Only the Supreme Procurator's Reply to the Question on the Use of CPS Multichannel Psychological Testing Results as Litigation Evidence has stipulated that polygraph conclusions can help the trial in criminal proceedings. In order to understand whether it has the attribute of evidence and whether it can be used in civil litigation, this paper analyzes the scientificity of Polygraph Conclusion and related theoretical research, and then draws a conclusion that Polygraph Conclusion has the attribute of evidence, which can be used as auxiliary evidence conditionally in civil litigation. Conclusion.
The first part of the article mainly introduces the concept of polygraph conclusion, its characteristics and the current international research on its related theory and practical situation, discusses the essence of polygraph conclusion.
The second part of the article mainly enumerates the representative case law of the United States and the opinions of some courts on the use of lie detection conclusion. Combining with the relevant situation in China, the paper puts forward the reference significance of the use of lie detection conclusion in the United States for our country.
In the third part of the article, taking the experience of the United States for reference, the author puts forward different types of cases that can be used to analyze the necessity of the existence of polygraph conclusion. The role of evidence in helping a trial in the middle of a civil lawsuit.


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2 张泽涛;美国测谎制度的发展过程对我国的启示[J];法商研究;2003年06期

3 樊崇义;锁正杰;吴宏耀;陈永生;;刑事证据前沿问题研究[J];证据学论坛;2000年00期




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