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发布时间:2018-08-18 13:52
[Abstract]:No one should profit from a crime. This basic legal principle applies not only to the perpetrator itself, but also to the third person who is not involved in the crime. As an important part of Taiwan's confiscation system, the third party's criminal confiscation is the embodiment of this legal principle in the field of criminal law. It includes the narrow confiscation and the third party illegal profit confiscation, the latter refers to the effect of confiscation and the illegal advantage obtained by the third party who did not participate in the crime or criminal wrongful act. The significance of the criminal confiscation system of the third party lies in, on the one hand, the complete deprivation of the illegal income, thus preventing the crime; on the other hand, it also restricts the initiation of the criminal confiscation procedure and protects the legitimate rights and interests of the third person. The construction and operation of the criminal confiscation system of the third party in Taiwan is the focus of this paper. By comparing the differences in terms and problems faced by the third party confiscation system in the context of Taiwan and mainland China, this paper provides a useful reference for the perfection of criminal confiscation in our country. The criminal confiscation system of the third party is an important part of the 16 years' revision of criminal law in Taiwan, which relates to whether the significance of criminal confiscation can be fully realized and also directly affects citizens' property rights. There is no third-party confiscation system in mainland China. In order to eliminate the misunderstandings caused by different terms, this paper establishes a foundation for further comparative study. On this basis, two possible contributions of this paper are proposed. The clarification of the basic concept of the criminal confiscation system of the third party in Taiwan is the basis of the thesis, which introduces the disputes about the nature of confiscation in Taiwan and why there should be a criminal confiscation system for the third party. This is for the purpose of completely confiscating the proceeds of crime and thus preventing crime, and is the basic legal requirement that no one should profit from the crime. This paper systematically introduces the situation of the revision of the criminal confiscation system of the third party in the Taiwan area. This article chooses to introduce the background of the revision of the confiscation law in Taiwan from the representative cases of the Taiwan region, in order to understand the background of this system. At the same time, it also introduces the substantive content and procedural content of the third-party criminal confiscation system in detail. Comparing with the relevant regulations in mainland China, this paper analyzes the defects of the property involved in the case obtained by the third party, and puts forward some problems such as unclear nature, lack of system, inadequate protection for the third party, and so on. Synthesizing the above contents, this paper collates the beneficial reference of Taiwan area to the mainland to perfect the criminal confiscation system, especially to recover the property involved in the case obtained by the third party. This paper puts forward some suggestions on constructing confiscation system, perfecting confiscation procedure and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the third party. In the conclusion part, the main contents of the thesis are summarized, and the theoretical basis and logical framework of the third party criminal confiscation system in Taiwan are described in detail, and the author's suggestions on the perfection of the third party criminal confiscation system are summarized. As the final achievement of this paper.


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