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发布时间:2018-08-18 14:15
[Abstract]:In 2016, the fourth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee for the first time proposed to promote the "trial-centric" litigation system reform. Subsequently, in order to further improve our criminal procedure system, according to the overall arrangement of the central authorities on deepening the reform of the judicial system and the working mechanism, "perfecting the system of excluding illegal evidence, clarifying the scope of the exclusion of illegal evidence, and the burden of proof," Review procedures and remedies, etc., "should be incorporated into the matter of judicial reform." This paper will analyze the rationality of the idea of excluding illegal evidence in the investigation stage and how to implement the exclusionary rule of illegal evidence in the investigation stage. The criminal procedure in China is divided into three stages, namely, the investigation stage, the examination and prosecution stage and the trial stage. Legally speaking, these three stages are relatively independent. Although the procuratorial organ, as a legal supervisory organ, has corresponding supervisory powers, however, whether from the depth of handling the case or from the power of the procuratorial organ itself, It is impossible to completely supervise every case in the three stages. Therefore, as far as the investigation stage of criminal proceedings is concerned, the public security organs in our country have the power to decide and implement the investigation measures compared with the foreign police organs, so we must establish the evidence examination system with its own characteristics. In this paper, the legitimacy of the exclusion of illegal evidence in the investigation stage is demonstrated, the problems existing in the implementation of this rule are analyzed, and the mechanism of excluding illegal evidence in the investigation stage and the relevant supporting measures are put forward. To promote the reform of litigation system with "trial as the center" is the forward direction of our country's criminal justice system reform in the future. The rule of excluding illegal evidence in the investigation stage is the best manifestation of this reform spirit. Therefore, we must have the courage to hone our way forward, firmly implement this rule in every criminal case, and respond to the needs of the people for the protection of human rights and justice.


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