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发布时间:2018-08-18 14:50
【摘要】:修订后的《刑事诉讼法》明确了“电子数据”独立证据形式的法律地位,因此电子证据在今后的刑事案件办理过程中无论是作为破案线索还是定案依据都将发挥越来越重要的作用。由于电子证据收集运用与传统刑事证据相比有许多不同的地方,在电子取证的过程中,取证人员不但要侵入公民的物理空间还要侵入公民的虚拟空间,因此电子取证活动更易对公民的隐私权造成侵害。本文将从电子取证的有关基本理论出发,对电子取证的概念和特征进行详细的阐述。在对电子取证侵犯公民隐私权的原因进行详细分析的基础之上。借鉴国外有关电子取证规制方面的经验,对我国现行电子取证措施的完善提出些许不成熟的建议,以期对我国电子取证过程中的隐私权保护这一难题有所裨益。 本文共有四章,第一章是电子取证相关基础理论的概述,重点是对电子取证的概念和电子取证的特点进行详细的阐明,,引出电子取证与传统刑事证据收集的不同之处。接下来讲述电子取证在新形势下对侦查破案的重要价值,以显示电子取证在侦查机关现行侦查措施体系中的重要地位。 第二章在前一章的基础之上,首先对隐私权的含义做一个简要的介绍,明确隐私权保护的范围以及我国隐私权保护的发展历程。接下来从电子取证对隐私权侵犯的正当性及电子取证过程中隐私权保护的必要性两方面来讲述电子取证与公民隐私权保护关系。 第三章着重介绍电子取证的几种主要措施,以及这几种措施对隐私权侵犯的主要原因,并对国外有关电子取证规制的成功经验进行简单的介绍。 第四章从电子取证的取证主体、取证原则、监督机制以及权利救济机制的设计四个方面,论述我国电子取证与公民隐私权保护的平衡机制。
[Abstract]:The revised Code of Criminal procedure clarifies the legal status of "electronic data" in the form of independent evidence. Therefore, electronic evidence will play a more and more important role in the process of handling criminal cases. Since there are many differences between the collection of electronic evidence and the traditional criminal evidence, in the process of electronic forensics, forensics personnel not only intrude into the physical space of citizens, but also invade the virtual space of citizens. Therefore, electronic forensics activities are more likely to cause infringement on citizens' right to privacy. Based on the basic theory of electronic forensics, this paper expounds the concept and characteristics of electronic forensics in detail. On the basis of the detailed analysis of the reasons why electronic forensics infringes the right of privacy of citizens. Based on the experience of foreign countries on the regulation of electronic forensics, this paper puts forward some immature suggestions for the perfection of the current electronic forensics measures in China, in order to benefit the protection of privacy in the process of electronic forensics in China. There are four chapters in this paper. The first chapter is an overview of the basic theory of electronic forensics, focusing on the concept of electronic forensics and the characteristics of electronic forensics, leading to the differences between electronic forensics and traditional criminal evidence collection. Then it tells the important value of electronic forensics in investigating and solving cases under the new situation, in order to show the important position of electronic forensics in the current investigation measure system of investigative organs. On the basis of the previous chapter, the second chapter first makes a brief introduction to the meaning of privacy, defines the scope of privacy protection and the development of privacy protection in China. Then the relationship between electronic forensics and the protection of citizens' privacy is discussed from two aspects: the legitimacy of electronic forensics against the right to privacy and the necessity of privacy protection in the process of electronic forensics. The third chapter focuses on several main measures of electronic forensics, and the main reasons for the violation of privacy rights, and briefly introduces the successful experience of foreign countries in the regulation of electronic forensics. The fourth chapter discusses the balance mechanism between electronic forensics and civil privacy protection from four aspects: the subject of electronic forensics, the principle of evidence collection, the mechanism of supervision and the design of right relief mechanism.


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