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发布时间:2018-08-18 18:05
[Abstract]:Our country grass-roots court quantity is numerous, contact with people directly. The statistics of the Supreme Court show that the grass-roots courts, as the most direct and extensive first-line judicial institutions in the judicial field of our country, shoulder more than 80% civil and criminal cases of first and final instance in China. As a special professional group, the people's police in the grass-roots courts, whose professional accomplishment can not only affect the actual rights and interests of the people, but also affect the long-term stability and development of the country. Therefore, it is of great significance to do a good job in the construction and research of the professional ethics of judicial police in the grass-roots courts in the new period for promoting the construction of China under the rule of law and realizing the great Chinese Dream. As the concrete executor of the judicial organ, the judicial police plays an important role in the trial, execution, security, custody and so on. In recent years, there has been a diversified development of people's ideology, and the overlapping of values and outlook on life has caused some police officers to be out of tune with their professional ethics. This phenomenon highlights the defects and deficiencies in the construction of professional ethics in our country's judicial police force. This research is based on this background, based on the problems existing in the construction of judicial police professional ethics at the grass-roots courts in our country, and the current situation of the construction of judicial police ranks in the grass-roots courts of Taiyuan as the starting point. Through the questionnaires collected and the results of the rolling investigation on the construction of the professional ethics of the judicial police in the basic courts of our country from 2013 to 2015, published by the Supreme people's Court, and combined with the information learned during the interviews, And in the last three years, the status of the construction of judicial police professional ethics has been analyzed and studied, and the present situation of the construction of judicial police professional ethics in the new period has been obtained, at the same time, This paper makes a preliminary analysis of the present situation and main problems in the construction of judicial police professional ethics, and puts forward some pertinent countermeasures and suggestions in view of the corresponding problems, on the basis of which, an effective solution is sought. The purpose of this paper is to improve the professional ethics of the judicial police in the basic courts of our country, so as to lay a sound theoretical foundation for the construction of the police image with Chinese characteristics.


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