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发布时间:2018-08-18 18:59
【摘要】:起诉便宜主义已经在世界范围内得到了确立,其发展顺应了世界刑事诉讼发展的趋势。日本和德国是大陆法系国家中实施起诉便宜主义比较典型的国家,而在英美法系国家中,其应用则要更加广泛。相对不起诉制度和附条件不起诉制度是我国运用起诉便宜主义的两种主要形式,但是这两种制度目前在立法和实践中尚有很多不完备的地方,特别是附条件不起诉,其在实践中虽然有一定的基础,但是作为一项新确立的制度不可避免的会有争议存在,相关配套制度也亟待完善。 本文共分有四部分的主要内容,第一部分是有关起诉便宜主义的总体介绍,包括其基本内容、理论基础、域外适用等。第二部分是我国刑事追诉中运用起诉便宜主义的现状及特征,本部分主要介绍我国运用起诉便宜主义的主要形式,并对其在立法和实践两个方面的情况进行分析,另外还介绍了我国当前刑事诉讼法中的公诉撤回制度,以及对起诉便宜主义在我国的运用特点的分析。第三部分是对我国当前刑事追诉中运用起诉便宜主义的合理性与非合理性的分析,运用起诉便宜主义是与我国目前的刑事政策、司法现状以及人权保障理念相统一的,但是其在立法和实践中受到多方面的限制,并不能完全发挥其功能。最后一部分是对我国完善起诉便宜主义提出一些建议,主要是针对相对不起诉、附条件不起诉、公诉撤回制度进行完善。
[Abstract]:The doctrine of cheap prosecution has been established all over the world, and its development conforms to the trend of the development of world criminal procedure. Japan and Germany are typical countries in the civil law system, but they are more widely used in common law countries. The relative non-prosecution system and the conditional non-prosecution system are the two main forms of our country's application of prosecution cheap doctrine, but these two systems still have many imperfections in legislation and practice, especially in conditional non-prosecution. Although it has a certain foundation in practice, as a newly established system, there will inevitably be disputes, and the relevant supporting systems need to be improved. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part is about the general introduction of prosecution of cheap doctrine, including its basic content, theoretical basis, extraterritorial application and so on. The second part is the present situation and characteristics of the application of the doctrine of cheap prosecution in criminal prosecution in China. This part mainly introduces the main forms of using the doctrine of cheap prosecution in our country, and analyzes the situation in both legislation and practice. In addition, it also introduces the public prosecution withdrawal system in the current criminal procedure law of our country, and analyzes the characteristics of the application of the doctrine of cheap prosecution in our country. The third part is the analysis of the rationality and non-rationality of the application of the doctrine of cheap prosecution in the current criminal prosecution in our country. The application of cheap doctrine of prosecution is unified with the present criminal policy, the current situation of justice and the concept of human rights protection in our country. However, it is limited by many aspects in legislation and practice, and can not give full play to its function. The last part is to put forward some suggestions on how to perfect the cheap doctrine of prosecution in our country, mainly aiming at relative non-prosecution, conditional non-prosecution and the system of public prosecution withdrawing.


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