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发布时间:2018-08-18 19:10
[Abstract]:It is not in accordance with the spirit of the relevant provisions of the Criminal procedure Law that the self-documenting materials in the disciplinary inspection procedure should be decided in the form of personal evidence. There is no essential difference between self-writing and record, but the self-written material verified by legality can be used as evidence to support the facts or impeach the main evidence. For the proof of "knowing", direct proof and indirect proof are adopted. The former often encounters difficulties, so it should be good at "inferring according to the objective actual situation" and identifying "knowing" in combination with relevant direct evidence. It is necessary to carefully treat the testimony of tainted witnesses and pay attention to the influence of interests on testimony, and to establish a system of supervised immunity from testifying under the restriction of new norms, so that the exemption can be justified. Mutual confirmation is the ironclad rule of criminal proof in our country, but we should pay attention to the method and limit of obtaining evidence and insist on the law of nature. The defendant shall have the right to know the evidence, but shall prevent the damage to other lawful interests. The defendant's right of cross-examination may conflict with the efficiency of trial, which should be based on the protection of the right of cross-examination, and measures should be taken to improve the efficiency of litigation. The investigation power of the defence should be strengthened and the system should be guaranteed.
【作者单位】: 四川大学法学院;


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