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发布时间:2018-08-20 07:31
[Abstract]:The new Administrative Procedure Law establishes the administrative litigation mediation system, which makes the administrative litigation in China no longer confined to trial and withdrawal. In practice, the "invisible mediation" with withdrawal as the means of closing a case formally enters the scope of legal regulation. The establishment of the administrative litigation mediation system also triggers the specific adjustment of the academic circles to the administrative litigation mediation. With the rising awareness of civil rights and the implementation of the registration and filing system in China, administrative cases have shown an increasing trend in recent years. The complex administrative disputes and limited judicial resources make the judicial organs run overloaded. The function of mediation system to settle disputes has advantages that other systems can not compare with. Establishment is the embodiment of the development of the administrative litigation system in China, and also the result of the construction of a society ruled by law and a harmonious society. In the past, the practice of referring to the relevant systems of civil litigation neglected the particularity of administrative litigation to civil litigation, which was contrary to the intention of legislators at the beginning of the establishment of administrative litigation mediation system. Under the current administrative litigation system, it is necessary to improve the administrative litigation mediation system. This paper first analyzes the connotation and related concepts of administrative litigation mediation, so as to make it easier to abuse and alienate the system in the process of application. There is a clear understanding and nature of administrative litigation mediation. Then it expounds the development of the mainstream view of administrative litigation mediation in China and discusses the value of administrative litigation mediation system. Then it analyzes the current legislative defects and problems that may arise in practice. Finally, it perfects the relevant rules of the system in view of relevant problems. In order to perfect the mediation system of administrative litigation, we should first fully understand the principle of legitimate voluntariness and grasp its examination standard. The determination of administrative discretion cases is the difficulty of administrative litigation cases; secondly, the setting of specific procedures should make it clear that the starting time of mediation is from the acceptance of administrative cases to the administrative judgment and before the court. The main content of this article is to examine the procedure and standard of mediation application and mediation agreement; finally, to initiate the relief procedure and retrial procedure after conciliation, including the party's right of repentance before conciliation comes into effect. In the early days of the establishment of the administrative litigation mediation system, it is necessary to establish specific rules to regulate the mediation behavior. The court is also facing new problems and challenges in its application. The system is still in the process of self-improvement and constant error correction, and still needs the continuous accumulation of practice and theoretical improvement.


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