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发布时间:2018-08-21 19:29
【摘要】:执行是落实当事人权利义务关系的重要阶段,外国法院判决的承认与执行是国际民事诉讼程序法的重要组成部分,对跨国民商事关系人来说具有重要的意义。在当今国际社会强化司法主权的情况下,一国法院做出的判决在其他国家境内并不具有当然的法律效力,而仅仅在作出国法院发生法律效力。随着国际关系的密切发展,民商事关系在国家之间也越来越密切,更多的外国判决需要得到其他国家的承认与执行,但是各国在司法领域的法律制度、法律观念以及理论研究存在很大差异,造成了外国判决在其他国家的承认与执行受到很大的阻碍,并且在司法实践中也存在很多现实的障碍,再加上国际民事诉讼本身的复杂性、跨国性,使得一国作出的涉外民商事判决,并不能顺利的在他国得到承认与执行,当事人的权利义务关系不能得到落实,不易于国际经济关系的发展。我国承认与执行外国判决的制度在理论和实践方面也存在很多问题,导致外国的判决在我国执行受到阻碍,因此该研究对于理论的发展和实务操作有着很大意义。笔者从以下四个方面对该问题进行探析: 首先是对“外国法院判决”中的相关概念进行比较分析,对不同国家对相关概念的不同理解进行界定。国际上,不同国家对外国法院的界定、判决的含义、以及判决的限制等问题有着不同的理解,我国对这些问题的规定主要体现在司法协助条约中。其次是对承认与执行外国判决的意义、承认与执行之间的关系以及在这一问题国际上普遍的做法进行分析,例如承认与执行的条件与程序等问题。再次主要是对我国在承认与执行问题上的制度现状以及司法现状进行阐述,并从具体案件着手,分析我国受理的部分外国判决承认与执行的申请案件,对其拒绝或承认理由进行分析,得出我国司法实践中的处理现状。最后主要是对如何完善我国承认与执行外国判决制度的探索,以更好地维护当事人的合法权益。外国法院判决的承认与执行的相关规定,在我国法律制度体系中主要体现在部分司法解释、《民事诉讼法》以及司法协助条约中,我国对于该问题的规定相对比较简单,因此为了更好地维护当事人利益,有必要健全我国的法律制度。本文主要是结合我国司法现状,在分析我国司法实务中外国判决的流通情况以及受阻的原因等等基础上,从加强国际合作、降低部分标准、加强相关程序性审查等方面进行完善。 总之,国家之间相互承认与执行彼此的判决所出现的问题不是一朝一夕能够解决的,对于实现理论研究的全球统一以及判决更有效的在各国之间流通的目标将会各国的任务,必将经历很长的过程。
[Abstract]:Enforcement is an important stage in the implementation of the relationship between the rights and obligations of the parties. The recognition and enforcement of judgments of foreign courts is an important part of the international civil procedure law, which is of great significance to transnational civil and commercial relations. Under the circumstance of strengthening the judicial sovereignty of the international community, the judgments made by the courts of one country do not have the legal effect in the territory of other countries, but only have the legal effect in the courts of the countries that make them. With the close development of international relations, civil and commercial relations are becoming closer and closer between countries. More and more foreign judgments need to be recognized and enforced by other countries, but the legal systems of various countries in the judicial field, There are great differences in legal concepts and theoretical studies, which result in great obstacles to the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in other countries, and there are also many practical obstacles in judicial practice. In addition, the complexity of the international civil proceedings and the transnational nature make the foreign civil and commercial judgments made by a country can not be recognized and executed smoothly in other countries, and the relationship between the rights and obligations of the parties cannot be implemented. It is not easy to develop international economic relations. There are also many problems in theory and practice in the system of recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in China, which results in the execution of foreign judgments being hindered in our country. Therefore, this study has great significance for the development of theory and practical operation. The author analyzes this problem from the following four aspects: firstly, it compares and analyzes the related concepts in Foreign Court judgment, and defines the different understandings of the relevant concepts in different countries. Internationally, different countries have different understandings on the definition of foreign courts, the meaning of judgments, and the limitation of judgments, etc. Our country's provisions on these issues are mainly embodied in mutual legal assistance treaties. The second is an analysis of the significance of recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments, the relationship between recognition and enforcement and the international practice prevailing on this issue, such as the conditions and procedures for recognition and enforcement. Thirdly, it mainly expounds the system status and judicial status quo of our country on the issue of recognition and enforcement, and analyzes some foreign judgment recognition and enforcement application cases accepted by our country from specific cases. By analyzing the reasons of its refusal or recognition, the present situation of judicial practice in our country is obtained. Finally, it explores how to perfect the system of recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in order to better safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties. The recognition and enforcement of foreign court judgments are mainly reflected in the judicial interpretation, the Civil procedure Law and the mutual legal assistance treaties in the legal system of our country, and the provisions on this issue are relatively simple in our country. Therefore, in order to better safeguard the interests of the parties, it is necessary to improve our legal system. Based on the analysis of the circulation of foreign judgments in China's judicial practice and the reasons for the obstruction, this paper mainly combines the current situation of our country's judicature, and reduces some of the standards from strengthening international cooperation. Strengthen the relevant procedural review and other aspects to improve. In short, the problems arising from mutual recognition and enforcement of each other's judgements among States cannot be solved overnight, and the task of States will be to achieve the goal of global harmonization of theoretical research and more effective circulation of judgements among States, Must go through a long process.


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