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发布时间:2018-08-23 12:17
[Abstract]:Deaf-mute is a special subject of crime, whose crime is most different from that of ordinary people, and it is the ability of language expression. The existence or absence of language expression ability directly affects the criminal punishment of the accused to some extent. The right to translation is an important litigation right of deaf-mute persons in litigation. According to the legislative provisions, judicial interpretation and the current situation of judicial practice, the right to translation of criminal proceedings is stipulated by the legislative and judicial organs of our country. How to protect the right to translation of deaf-mute indictees is an urgent problem to be solved by the legislative and judicial organs in our country. Fairness and justice are two major contents of legal value. Justice includes substantive justice and procedural justice. The fourth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee further emphasized procedural justice, that is, "let the people feel fairness and justice in every judicial case." However, in the light of the provisions of the legal system of our country on the right to translation of deaf and mute persons, the lack of a specific and unified system for guaranteeing the right to translate leads to the procedure for the judicial organs to employ translators. The quality and the procedure of investigating the accused are not uniform, which may lead to different criminal penalties in different cases of the same nature, and the substantive justice and procedural justice of deaf-mute prosecution in criminal proceedings are difficult to be guaranteed. In view of the imperfect protection of the right to translation of deaf-mute and chased persons in China, scholars and judicial practitioners have carried out academic research on it, but they seldom analyze the translation rights of criminal indictees in the light of the objectives and fundamental purposes of judicial reform in our country. The problems existing in judicial practice and the importance of file records formed during investigation. Therefore, this paper takes this opportunity to analyze the relevant concepts of deaf mutes in criminal proceedings, and expounds the importance of the right to translation of deaf-mute indictees by the theory of procedural law. At the same time, combined with the current judicial system reform of our country and the fundamental purpose of "taking trial as the center" put forward by the fourth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, this paper expounds the necessity of guaranteeing the right to translation of deaf-mute accused persons and the problems existing in judicial practice. Drawing lessons from foreign countries' regulations on criminal procedure translation system, this paper puts forward some feasible suggestions on the protection of the right to translation of deaf-mute indictees, so as to ensure a fair and just trial of deaf-mute prosecution cases. To make the deaf and mute criminal case adjudication in line with the new round of judicial system reform.


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