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发布时间:2018-08-23 12:11
[Abstract]:Procedure determines justice. The guarantee of the criminal lawyer's right of defense directly affects whether the procedure can be carried out fairly, and it is closely related to whether the citizen's legal rights will be infringed by the public and private rights. For a long time, in the legal system and judicial practice, the defense rights of criminal lawyers have been in an awkward situation. Although the relevant legislative organs have formulated a series of laws and regulations to protect the rights of lawyers, but from the current situation of practice of rights, to a large extent, it is still to a large extent to deal with the symptoms and not the root causes. It has become a trend to establish the right standard concept, which not only protects the lawyer's right to defense, but also embodies the human rights guarantee of the accused. The state should strengthen the restriction on the public power from the system, prevent the excessive expansion and abuse of the power and encroach on the exercise of the lawyer's legal right, perfect the power restriction mechanism, supervise the judicial organ and the administrative organ to exercise their functions and powers according to law in practice. To protect lawyers' rights, to improve the enthusiasm of lawyers to participate in litigation activities, and to further promote the construction of judicial civilization in China. Based on the status quo of the litigation after the implementation of the new criminal suit, this paper describes the lawyer's right to defense in five chapters, the first chapter is an introduction, mainly describes the domestic and foreign lawyers' right to defend the relevant legal system; the second chapter specifically introduces the right to meet with the communication, The rights of reading papers and collecting evidence from 1996, 2008, 2008 to 2012, the development and changes of the right to defense, the third chapter analyzes the right to meet in the current litigation activities, It is also the core content of this paper to analyze the reasons of the above problems from the macro and micro angles, and the judicial environment from the macro and micro angles. The progress and the existing problems and the performance of the right of marking and collecting evidence in the legal system and in practice are also the core contents of this paper, the fourth chapter analyzes the reasons for the above problems from the macro and micro angles. There are five aspects of litigation system, legislative defects, abuse of law enforcement power and limited management of the law association law firms. In the fifth chapter, in the face of these problems, we put forward some ideas and suggestions for improvement in the face of these problems. In order to seek the lawyer's right of defense as stipulated by laws and regulations, it can be realized in real sense rather than on paper.


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