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发布时间:2018-08-23 19:37
[Abstract]:Judicial openness is a basic principle confirmed by constitution and law. It is an important way for the public to know and supervise the administration of justice. Only by being open and transparent can the mysterious veil of judicature be opened and judicial justice and public trust be ensured. Judicial openness, as the most important part of judicial reform, has made great progress in recent years, from the construction of the open platform of three platforms to the construction of open platform for judicial documents, and the construction of public platform for implementation of information. The open platform of trial process has been built to six open cases, open documents, open trial, open hearing, open trial, open execution, and the content and scope of judicial openness in our country is expanding. With regard to the open means that have been used at present, a series of system measures, such as the open system of online access to adjudicative documents, the system of live recording and broadcasting of court hearings, the system of listening to the news media, and so on, have already achieved good results. It can be said that China's judicial publicity work is steadily, orderly. Nevertheless, there are still some matters that should be included in the scope of judicial disclosure, in terms of what has been made public so far. The paraphrase, known as the umbrella, is such a being. As far as the existing regulations are concerned, the court file is divided into two parts: the positive volume allows the parties to consult and open to the public, and the subsidiary volume does not allow any unit or individual to consult and not open to the public except for special circumstances. The undisclosed nature of the secondary volume makes it a "shelter" for all kinds of materials that cannot be made public. In judicial practice, there are a series of problems arising from the non-public nature of the subsidiary volume, which to a certain extent destroys the justice of the judiciary, so the issue of the retention or the reform of the subsidiary volume needs to be discussed urgently. It is true that the existence of some of the materials in the sub-volume reflects the interference of external forces in the independent exercise of judicial power, but the sub-volume consists of a number of clerical materials, not all of which play such a role. If all the materials in the subsidiary volume should be made public, then the judicial authority may be subjected to unreasonable provocation, and the unlimited judicial publicity will cause great pressure on the court and cause petition and entanglement, which does not accord with the current judicial environment of our country. Therefore, on the basis of not destroying the judicial authority and further enhancing the judicial public trust, the contents of the secondary volume should be rationalized and made public. The topic of judicial openness is no stranger to the academic circle or the judicial practice circle, and the articles on judicial openness are everywhere. But from the perspective of judicial openness, there are few articles to discuss the issue of the publication of secondary volumes. As far as the existing literature is concerned, in addition to some reports and articles, almost no one has specifically studied the system of primary and secondary volumes. Most of the only articles have been criticized for their non-openness, but they have not been elaborated and analyzed in detail. Moreover, as Chinese characteristics, there is no relevant foreign system for reference. In addition, in addition to some general provisions, the legislation on the basic blank. The author intends to provide some reference opinions for the reform of the opening of the secondary volume through the discussion of the contents of the court and vice-volume of our country, and also to provide the direction for the expansion of the scope of judicial publicity. In this paper, through the combination of theory and practice, with the way of sampling and investigation, we analyze and summarize all kinds of court files. According to the existing regulations and the actual situation, this paper clarifies the contents of the subsidiary volume and discusses whether all kinds of litigation documents in the subsidiary volume should be made public, and finally puts forward some ideas on the way of opening the subsidiary volume of the court in our country.


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