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发布时间:2018-08-27 08:45
【摘要】:我国自然垄断行业消费者权益受到侵害的现象日益突出,影响重大。如何规范我国自然垄断行业的发展进而保护消费者正当权益已经成为经济法领域亟待解决的问题。 本文针对自然垄断行业的特殊性,结合我国特殊国情,首先提出了完善我国传统自然垄断行业消费者权益保护制度的构想。主要包括:重新厘定我国自然垄断行业的豁免范围,适当引入竞争机制;推动制定我国自然垄断行业服务公约;针对自然垄断行业提供的公共产品和服务的质量规制、定价机制、信息公开、格式合同审查、自然垄断企业负担的提前通知和防损措施义务、保密义务等六个方面进行论述,以着力完善我国自然垄断行业法律法规体系的相关内容。 本文还探索性地提出构建我国自然垄断行业消费者权益保护的公益诉讼制度和非诉讼维权制度。在消费者公益诉讼制度的构建过程中,本文认为应当适当放宽消费者作为原告的适格标准,强化消费者协会的原告资格,实行举证责任倒置制度,提高赔偿标准,法院需强化对各类处分行为和协议的司法审查,,适当扩张判决效力。而在非诉讼维权制度的构建中,本文认为应当主要集中在提高我国消费者协会的话语权,设立消费者投诉档案记录制度,设立消费者权益保护基金方面进行具有改革意义的尝试。
[Abstract]:The phenomenon that consumer's rights and interests are infringed in natural monopoly industry in our country is more and more prominent and has a great influence on it. How to standardize the development of natural monopoly industry and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers has become an urgent problem in the field of economic law. According to the particularity of the natural monopoly industry and the special situation of our country, this paper first puts forward the idea of perfecting the protection system of consumer's rights and interests in the traditional natural monopoly industry of our country. It mainly includes: redefining the exemption scope of natural monopoly industry in our country, introducing competition mechanism appropriately; promoting the establishment of service convention of natural monopoly industry in China; regulating the quality of public goods and services provided by natural monopoly industry. Pricing mechanism, information publicity, format contract review, advance notification of natural monopoly enterprises' burden, duty of prevention of loss and obligation of keeping secret are discussed in order to perfect the relevant contents of laws and regulations system of natural monopoly industry in China. This paper also proposes to construct a public interest litigation system and a non-litigation system to protect the rights and interests of consumers in natural monopoly industries in China. In the process of the construction of consumer public interest litigation system, this paper holds that the appropriate standard of consumer as plaintiff should be relaxed properly, the qualification of plaintiff of consumer association should be strengthened, the system of inversion of burden of proof should be implemented, and the standard of compensation should be raised. The court should strengthen the judicial review of all kinds of disciplinary acts and agreements and appropriately expand the validity of the judgment. In the construction of non-litigation rights protection system, this paper believes that the main focus should be on improving the voice of consumer associations in China and establishing a consumer complaint file record system. The establishment of consumer rights and interests protection fund to carry on the reform significance attempt.


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