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发布时间:2018-08-27 18:51
[Abstract]:In judicial practice, the rate of victim testifying in public prosecution cases is very low, and even those who appear in court fail to make a substantial impact on the result of judgment. Therefore, it is necessary to draw lessons from the existing witnesses, experts and police of public security bureaus, procuratorates and courts in many places, to construct the concrete rules of the victims' appearance in court from the aspects of substance and procedure: to establish the specific scope and exceptions of the victims appearing in court. This paper makes a careful assessment of the necessity of the victim to testify in court, safeguards the relevant procedural rights of the victim to testify in court, consummates the way of questioning and cross-examination of the court, and pays attention to urging the victim to perform the duty of testifying in court from the aspects of rights protection and punishment.
【作者单位】: 华东政法大学;浙江省舟山市人民检察院;浙江省岱山县人民法院;


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