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发布时间:2018-08-29 11:44
【摘要】:检察机关作为我国专门的法律监督机关依法履行检察权。为国家经济社会快速发展做出了积极的贡献,但是随着国家各项改革不断深入,社会多元化复杂性逐渐增强,检察机关现有法律监督中存在的问题也越来越突出。与人民群众对公平正义的新期待之间存在一定差距。因此全面考察D市检察机关监督方式的理论和实践,评估现有监督方式,分析现有监督方式存在的问题及成因并提出改进建议,对深入贯彻党的依法治国宗旨、切实满足人民群众对公平正义的新期待,为地区经济社会发展更好的保驾护航具有十分重要的意义。 本文立足D检察工作实际,分析检察机关法律监督工作的现状,结合中外学者对检察系统监督方式的研究成果,系统归纳、研究了近年来D市检察机关法律监督中的工作情况,研究出D市人民检察院在监督中存在法治环境不佳、不按程序办案、制约制度不完善、监督手段单一等一系列问题。 针对这些问题,本文结合大陆法系、英美法系国家检察系统及我国其他同类地区特别是D市的实际情况,借鉴国内外先进的法律监督工作理论和工作方式,对造成这些问题的原因进行深入分析,并在此基础上对检察机关法律监督提出了对策建议,进行了可行性分析,为D市人民检察院转变监督方式提供切实的依据和参考,对其他同类地区也具有一定的参考依据,但受本人水平及数据资料完整性限制,本文的研究及政策关联性、实用性尚待进一步深入。
[Abstract]:The procuratorial organ as our country's special legal supervision organ carries out procuratorial power according to law. It has made a positive contribution to the rapid development of national economy and society, but with the deepening of various reforms in the country, the complexity of social diversity is gradually increasing, and the problems existing in the existing legal supervision of procuratorial organs are becoming more and more prominent. There is a certain gap between the new expectations of the people for fairness and justice. Therefore, by comprehensively investigating the theory and practice of the supervision methods of procuratorial organs in City D, evaluating the existing supervision methods, analyzing the problems and causes of the existing supervision methods and putting forward suggestions for improvement, it will further carry out the party's aim of governing the country according to law. It is of great significance to meet the new expectations of the people for fairness and justice and to protect the development of regional economy and society. Based on the reality of D procuratorial work, this paper analyzes the current situation of the procuratorial organs' legal supervision, combines the research results of the Chinese and foreign scholars on the procuratorial system supervision, and systematically summarizes the working situation of the D city's procuratorial organs' legal supervision in recent years. This paper studies a series of problems in the supervision of D City people's Procuratorate, such as poor environment of rule of law, failure to handle cases according to procedure, imperfect system of restriction, single means of supervision and so on. In view of these problems, this paper combines the actual situation of the procuratorial system of the civil law system, the common law system and other similar regions of our country, especially the D city, and draws lessons from the advanced theories and working methods of legal supervision at home and abroad. The causes of these problems are deeply analyzed, and on this basis, the countermeasures and suggestions are put forward for the legal supervision of procuratorial organs, and the feasibility analysis is carried out to provide a practical basis and reference for the people's Procuratorate of City D to change the mode of supervision. It also has some reference basis for other similar regions, but limited by my level and the integrity of data and data, the research and policy relevance of this paper need to be further deepened.


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