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发布时间:2018-08-30 10:04
【摘要】:1999年,中国就已经进入了老龄社会,是较早进入老龄社会的发展中国家之一。中国是世界上老年人口数量最多的国家,占全球老年人口总量的五分之一。中国的人口老龄化是中国自身的问题,更加关系到全球人口老龄化的进程,备受全世界关注。中国正面临着日益严峻的问题,尤其是人口老龄化带来的种种社会问题,其中最为突出的是养老和医疗保障问题。以人为本,关爱老年人,是构建和谐社会的应有之义,是各级政府、社会各界和年轻人不可推卸的责任和义务。本文对照中国古代赡养制度变迁,参照外国赡养制度的多样性,分析当前我国赡养法律制度存在的问题,针对如何依靠法律制度,建立健全我国赡养制度展开讨论,使我国老年人能够老有所养、老有所依、老有所乐。本文共分为四个部分,以下分别对各部分内容进行分述。 第一部分阐述了我国赡养法律制度的基本内容和特点。结合目前我国赡养法律条文,讲明赡养制度的内涵、约束范畴及特点。 第二部分主要考察了我国赡养制度的历史变迁。受儒家孔孟思想的影响,传统孝文化长盛不衰,从封建社会开始,每朝每代都有其闪光点,能够看到社会和历史的进步,以及对当代中国的影响。 第三部分主要考察了外国精神赡养方面的保障制度的现状,以及世界各国在老年人权益保障方面的立法,分析对我国赡养制度的影响及能够学习和借鉴的地方。 第四部分阐述目前我国赡养制度存在的问题,探讨解决途径。
[Abstract]:In 1999, China has entered the aging society, is one of the early aging society of the developing countries. China has the largest number of elderly people in the world, accounting for 1/5 of the world's elderly population. China's aging population is China's own problem, more related to the global population aging process, has attracted worldwide attention. China is facing more and more serious problems, especially the social problems brought by the aging population, the most prominent of which are pension and medical security. People-oriented, caring for the elderly is the proper meaning of building a harmonious society, and it is the responsibility and obligation that governments at all levels, social circles and young people cannot shirk. According to the changes of Chinese ancient maintenance system and the diversity of foreign maintenance system, this paper analyzes the problems existing in our country's maintenance legal system, and discusses how to rely on the legal system to establish and perfect our country's maintenance system. So that the elderly in our country can be a sense of security, the old have a basis, the old have fun. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part expounds the basic contents and characteristics of the legal system of maintenance in China. Combined with the current provisions of the maintenance law in China, the connotation, restraint category and characteristics of the maintenance system are explained. The second part mainly examines the historical changes of the maintenance system in China. Influenced by Confucianism, the traditional culture of filial piety never fails. From the feudal society, every dynasty has its own bright spots, can see the social and historical progress, as well as the impact on contemporary China. The third part mainly examines the current situation of the foreign spiritual support security system, and the legislation of the world in the protection of the rights and interests of the elderly, and analyzes the impact on our support system and the places that can be learned and used for reference. The fourth part expounds the problems existing in the maintenance system of our country at present and probes into the ways to solve them.


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2 李爱荣;;孝、心安与法院判决中的“精神赡养”[J];法制与社会发展;2008年06期

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1 谢婷婷;老年人赡养制度研究[D];山东大学;2014年

2 任聪慧;老年人精神赡养法律问题研究[D];上海交通大学;2008年

3 宋佳伦;我国老年人精神赡养的法律探析[D];四川师范大学;2014年




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