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发布时间:2018-08-31 08:10
[Abstract]:The amendment of the Criminal procedure Law in 2012 will have a certain impact on the investigation and evidence collection activities of discipline inspection and supervision organs and the existing mode of handling cases. In order to realize the seamless connection between the disciplinary inspection and supervision procedure and the criminal procedure, it is necessary to adjust the investigation and evidence collection mode and the handling mode of the discipline inspection and supervision organ. In the aspect of investigation and collection of evidence, we should improve the standardization of the procedure of investigation and evidence collection, strengthen the guarantee of the basic rights of the person under investigation, guarantee the evidence capacity of the evidence taken in the criminal proceedings, and prove the legality of the procedure of taking evidence if necessary. In the aspect of handling cases, we should establish a new cooperative and division of labor relationship with procuratorial organs, assist the procuratorial organs in the aspects of evidence collection and procedure, and participate in relevant litigation activities.
【作者单位】: 山东大学法学院;四川大学法学院;


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