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发布时间:2018-08-31 10:28
[Abstract]:Article 65 of the 2012 Code of Civil procedure provides for the introduction of a new system of time limits for proof in part I of the General provisions, which may extend across the trial level and apply simultaneously to the first instance, Second instance procedure. The interpretation of the Supreme people's Court on the Application of the Civil procedure Law of the people's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Judicial interpretation of the Civil procedure Law of the people's Republic of China) adopted and implemented on February 4, 2015 The power system is unified and standardized. From the perspective of trial level, the system of loss of power of evidence focuses on the issues that the parties did not put forward in the procedure of first instance, but later than those in the procedure of appellate trial, and how the procedure of second instance will be treated. This article from the legislative norm, the theory analysis stratification, unifies the judicial practice correlation case, under the centralized trial doctrine and the evidence timely puts forward the doctrine frame, how to make the evidence lose the right system under the trial level vision to develop the advantage and the circumvent the weakness. Make the best use of it. The first chapter is an overview of the system of loss of power of evidence from the perspective of trial level. It is pointed out that the system of loss of power of evidence from the perspective of trial level refers to the evidence not submitted by the parties in the procedure of first instance but submitted later than the procedure of appeal, which will, in principle, produce the legal effect of the sanction of loss of power. At the same time, along the development of the system, the history of the system is introduced, and the applicable elements of the system are discussed. The second chapter combs the legitimacy basis of evidence loss system in the perspective of trial level. This system embodies the requirements of the parties to fulfill the obligation to promote litigation, in line with the procedural requirements of centralized adjudication, but also the implementation of the principle of good faith and the spirit of their own responsibility. Especially in the trial mode of the continuation of the appellate procedure in our country, the system of losing the right of evidence from the perspective of trial level is helpful to reduce the appeal rate of the parties, and to enrich and strengthen the function of the factual trial of the procedure of first instance. Realize the center of gravity of the first instance and lighten the burden of the trial of the court of second instance. The third chapter is the investigation and analysis of the relevant system. The article first introduces the relevant system from four angles of the United States, Germany, Japan and Taiwan. Due to the strictest treatment of late evidence in the second instance procedure, the United States is stricter than Taiwan in Germany and Japan in Taiwan. After comparative analysis, the author finds that the difference of the relationship between the procedure of first instance and the procedure of second instance established by the principle of legislation sets the tone for the broadness and strictness of the procedure of appellate trial. The substantial and effective use of the procedure of first instance is an important prerequisite for the appellate procedure to take the sanction of loss of power. The degree of fullness and effectiveness of the procedure of pretrial preparation also determines the strict degree of application of the system of loss of power of evidence in the perspective of trial level. The fourth chapter returns to the discussion of the system of evidence losing power under the vision of trial level in our country. From the aspects of system itself, peripheral system, practical operation and so on, this paper analyzes and discusses the problems existing in the current legislative norms and judicial practice of this system in our country. Considering that the system of loss of power of evidence occurs in the stage of appellate procedure and is related to the system of trial grade, the procedure design which is different from the system of loss of power of evidence in first instance procedure should be adopted. Chapter five, on the basis of discussing the existing problems, combining with the introduction and analysis of the foreign countries and regions' relevant systems in the third part of this paper, puts forward some suggestions such as adopting different sanctions against late proof at different trial levels. The procedure of first instance can be subject to procedural sanction, and the procedure of appeal may be subject to substantive sanction. At the same time, the author proposes to strengthen the evidence collection ability of the parties, enrich the pretrial preparation procedure, and strengthen the application of the system.


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