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发布时间:2018-09-01 11:31
【摘要】:对中国证据法草案进行立法探讨是中国民商法律科学研究中心的重要项目之一,专家通过对“民事证据规则”、“关于民事诉讼中的证据问题若干规定意见”的调研,草拟证据法,从最近几年的立法草案来看,许多专家学者都认可了文书提出义务,都在自己的意见稿中提出来。2013年新《民事诉讼法》开始施行,但是相比2007年的《民事诉讼法》,弥补了证据方面的一些不足,但是还是欠缺对当事人证据收集的具体措施。 纵观世界许多国家的诉讼法或证据法,文书作为一种独立的证据方法,因其具有明确、直接和稳定的特点,在证据中具有极其重要的地位,能够直接证明案件事实。现代社会科技文化不断普及和发展,,文书成为民事行为最重要的记录载体,成为民事诉讼中应用最广泛的证据形式。因此,为当事人提供收集文书的程序保障,使当事人能够持有人手中收集到文书,确保审判的正当性。本文基于文书在现代民事诉讼中所具有的优势,结合我国许多省份试行的调查令制度,主要从五个方面介绍文书提出义务: 第一部分主要是介绍文书提出义务的概述,文书是通过文字或其他符号表示某些思想或内容的物件,当其作为证据使用时,称其为书证,持有人在举证人向法院申请要求提出文书时应履行文书提出义务,基于武器平等的理论基础,更好的保障当事人收集证据的权利,文书提出义务逐渐成为一般性的义务,提出范围进一步扩大。 第二部分介绍文书提出义务的范围,不负举证责任的当事人和持有文书并且负有文书提出义务的第三人作为主体,随着时代环境的变化,立法体例亦不同,分别从列举主义和概括主义两个方面介绍应提出文书的范围,这种范围应该在衡量秘密保护利益和诉讼利益的基础上加以限制,具体规定当事人和第三人的除外事由,保护其秘密利益。 第三部分介绍文书提出义务的适用程序,举证人以书面形式申请法院,并负有特定义务,保证持有人和法院清楚索要的文书,举证人特定困难时,持有人有特定协助义务,帮助申请人特定文书,解决现代型民事诉讼中证据结构偏在的情形。法院从形式审查到实质审查,从一般审查到秘密审查,根据不同的情形或者驳回申请或者裁定当事人和第三人提出文书,当事人和第三人对判决不服,可以提出抗诉。 第四部分主要是介绍通过不同的制裁措施迫使当事人和第三人履行文书提出义务,根据各个国家的相关规定,对当事人主要采取诉讼上的不利益制裁措施,对第三人主要有四种制裁措施:经济制裁、强制执行、诉讼和拘留。 第五部分根据前面四部分的介绍,结合我国关于证据方面的法规以及我国许多省份试行的调查令制度,在立法和司法实践中,完善调查令制度,构建我国的文书提出义务制度,保障当事人收集证据的手段,主要从四个方面引入,使文书提出义务法定化,在其基础上从适用范围、申请和审查裁决、第三人文书提出费用请求权、制裁措施五个方面建构我国的文书提出义务制度。
[Abstract]:Legislative discussion on the draft of China's evidence law is one of the important projects of China's Civil and Commercial Law Science Research Center. Through the investigation of "rules of civil evidence" and "opinions on certain provisions of evidence in civil litigation", experts draw up evidence law. Judging from the draft legislation in recent years, many experts and scholars have approved the article. In 2013, the new Civil Procedure Law came into effect, but compared with the 2007 Civil Procedure Law, it made up for some shortcomings in evidence, but still lacked specific measures to collect evidence for the parties.
Throughout the procedural law or evidence law of many countries in the world, documents, as an independent method of evidence, have an extremely important position in evidence because of their clear, direct and stable characteristics, and can directly prove the facts of a case. It is the most widely used form of evidence in civil litigation. Therefore, it provides procedural guarantee for the parties to collect documents so that the parties can hold the documents in their hands and ensure the justice of the trial. The five aspect introduces the obligation of instrument:
The first part mainly introduces the overview of the obligation of putting forward an instrument. An instrument is an object that expresses certain ideas or contents by words or other symbols. When it is used as evidence, it is called documentary evidence. The holder should fulfill the obligation of putting forward an instrument when applying to the court for putting forward an instrument. It is better based on the theory of equality of arms. To protect the right of the parties to collect evidence, the obligation to put forward documents has gradually become a general obligation, and the scope of the proposal has been further expanded.
The second part introduces the scope of the obligation of putting forward documents. The parties who do not bear the burden of proof and the third party who holds the obligation of putting forward documents are the main bodies. With the changes of the times and environment, the legislative styles are also different. The scope of the documents should be put forward from two aspects of enumeration and generalization, which should be balanced. Restrictions shall be imposed on the basis of measuring the interests of secret protection and litigation, specifying the exceptional reasons for the parties and third parties, and protecting their secret interests.
The third part introduces the application procedure of the obligation of putting forward documents. The evidencer applies to the court in written form and has a specific obligation to ensure that the holder and the court clearly request the documents. When the evidencer is in particular difficulties, the holder has a specific obligation to assist the applicant in specific documents and to solve the problem of the deviation of evidence structure in modern civil litigation. The court, from formal examination to substantive examination, from general examination to secret examination, may, under different circumstances, reject an application or order the parties and the third party to file an instrument. If the parties and the third party are not satisfied with the judgment, protest may be lodged.
The fourth part mainly introduces the different sanctions to force the parties and the third party to fulfill their obligations. According to the relevant provisions of various countries, the parties mainly take the unfavorable sanctions in litigation. There are four main sanctions against the third party: economic sanctions, compulsory enforcement, litigation and detention.
In the fifth part, according to the introduction of the first four parts, combined with the laws and regulations on evidence in China and the investigation order system in many provinces of China, we should perfect the investigation order system, construct the obligation system of document presentation, and ensure the parties to collect evidence, mainly from four aspects. On the basis of legalization of obligation, we should construct the system of obligation of document presentation in China from five aspects: scope of application, application and examination of adjudication, right to claim fees from third parties, and sanctions.


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