[Abstract]:In the reform of the state supervisory system and the drafting of the supervisory law, the procedure of handling cases by the supervisory organs and the connection with the criminal procedure have attracted much attention. The research on the nature, principle, procedure and the connection with criminal procedure of duty crime supervision and investigation shows that, because the object of supervision investigation includes duty violation and duty crime, it can not be called as supervision investigation. However, the investigation of job-related crimes has the nature of investigation, which should follow the provisions of the Criminal procedure Law, or the supervision law should make the provisions consistent with the Criminal procedure Law, and should reflect the results of the judicial reform in accordance with the requirements of governing the country according to the law. Supervision and investigation should establish the principle of legality, the rule of procedure, the principle of human rights protection, the principle of evidence adjudication and the principle of impartial investigation.
【作者单位】: 中国政法大学诉讼法学研究院;
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