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发布时间:2018-09-01 20:32
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the increasing attention paid to the protection of human rights in the world, the construction of the rule of exclusion of illegal physical evidence has also aroused the general concern of legislators and scholars in various countries. Although our country has established the illegal physical evidence exclusion rule, but because the legislation to the illegal physical evidence exclusion rule norm is too general and vague, the operability is not strong, in addition to the influence of other systems. The application of the exclusion rule of illegal physical evidence in practice is not ideal. This paper analyzes the legislative and practical dilemma of the exclusion rules of illegal physical evidence in our country, and analyzes the reasons why it is difficult to exclude the legal material evidence, and on the basis of drawing lessons from the extraterritorial experience, This paper puts forward some suggestions to perfect the exclusion rules of illegal physical evidence in order to serve our society better. The first chapter analyzes the value of the exclusionary rule of illegal physical evidence in our country, including the need of human rights protection, the inevitable requirement of realizing judicial justice, and thus demonstrates the necessity of establishing the rule of illegal material object exclusion in our country. The second chapter discusses the dilemma of illegal physical evidence exclusion in legislation and practice. This paper analyzes the scope and conditions of the exclusion of illegal physical evidence in China. The third chapter discusses the reasons why illegal physical evidence is difficult to rule out. The reasons are analyzed from the following five aspects: the absence of procedural adjudication space, the influence of case file transfer system, the formalization of the application of mutual corroboration rules, the disorder of the relationship between the ability of evidence and the power of proof, and the alienation of the relationship among the three organs of the Public Security Bureau, the Procuratorate and the Court. The fourth chapter points out that perfecting the exclusion rules of illegal physical evidence in our country can expand the exclusion scope of illegal physical evidence, perfect the conditions of the exclusion rules of illegal physical evidence, and establish an independent procedural adjudication space. To clarify the exclusion basis of illegal physical evidence.


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