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发布时间:2018-09-02 07:14
[Abstract]:The procedure of the current civil litigation mediation system in our country is relatively simple. Within the scope permitted by law, the parties'consent is fully taken into account. Disputes can be settled through consultation between the parties within the scope permitted by law. The court, as the trial subject, should maintain a neutral attitude in the process of mediation, so as to resolve contradictions and solve problems. In the specific judicial practice, civil cases tried by courts tend to be settled through mediation, which shows that the use of mediation in the process of handling cases at this stage has become a normal state of dispute resolution. However, with the development of social economy, the mediation system also has some drawbacks in the specific practice. It is not uncommon for the parties to use the simplification of mediation procedures to seek illegal interests. The existence of false mediation is a challenge to the mediation system. Therefore, procuratorial supervision over false mediation is an unavoidable problem in the litigation process at this stage. It is necessary to strengthen the study of procuratorial supervision over false mediation both in theory and practice, and to legislate from the perspective of legislation. The existence of civil mediation system makes it more convenient for both parties to resolve disputes and resolve contradictions. At the same time, it lightens the burden of the courts and judges, making the judicial resources more optimized. But in recent years, false mediation cases. The occurrence frequency of cases in judicial practice is higher and higher, and because of the lag of legislation, the false mediation behavior can not be effectively supervised by law. This requires that the procuratorial organ be given the procuratorial supervision power to the false mediation cases from the legal point of view, so that the procuratorial organ can supervise the cases of false mediation from the legal level. False mediation is mainly through the malicious collusion between the two parties, the two sides reached an agreement, fictitious legal facts or related evidence, in essence, there is no dispute and disputes between the two parties, but the need for such a form of error. Therefore, the procuratorial supervision of false mediation needs not only to stipulate the specific scope of the procuratorial organs'right to exercise procuratorial supervision from the legal level, but also to strengthen the procuratorial supervision, and to carry out detailed procedures in the specific operation process of the procuratorial organs. This article analyzes the false mediation from five parts: The first part is the research status and methods of the false mediation, mainly explains the emergence of the false mediation and the present situation of this theoretical research. The third part expounds the reasons for the high incidence of false mediation, and points out the defects of the mediation system itself, as well as the shortcomings of the judicial mechanism, the lack of social integrity and other aspects of the high incidence of false mediation. The fourth part analyzes the function and predicament of the procuratorial supervision of false mediation, expounds the role that the procuratorial organs should play in the process of regulating false mediation, and the difficulties in legislation and practice of the procuratorial supervision of false mediation. The fifth part gives some suggestions on the improvement of the supervision system of false mediation.


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