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发布时间:2018-09-03 19:59
[Abstract]:As an important link in the operation of the judicial power of the court, the civil enforcement procedure bears the task of realizing the effective judgment of the court and is a compulsory means for the state to guarantee the realization of substantive rights. As the essence of the judicial power, the enforcement power is based on the premise of equal legal status of both parties, with the purpose of performing the obligation of the party who undertakes the obligation. The premise of the enforcement power is to rely on the national coercive power, through various sanctions given by law to the parties who do not perform their judicial obligations according to the law to impose compulsory means to promote the smooth realization of effective adjudication. The judgment of the court is often based on the provisions of the law, by ascertaining the facts, quoting clear legal provisions, and finally identifying the rights and obligations of both sides through the form of the adjudication. This is an ideal state for the settlement of contradictions and disputes. However, the actual life is ever-changing, how to make a reasonable referee into a real implementation results will be affected and restricted by the reality. The result of the judgment gives the right holder a reasonable expectation. If the objective factors do not meet the expectations in advance, then as a right expectation, They will interfere with the normal judicial order through various hidden and unreasonable means like being treated unequally, do not believe in the judicial process, think that the judiciary has infringed on their due right, and think that the court has ruled, If the enforcement department cannot follow the judgment of the trial department, then it will interfere with the normal execution procedure by various other means. The operation of executive power should be to take various enforcement measures to protect the rights of the obligee within the scope of the law, but there is also the situation that the enforcement can not be carried out due to the restriction of objective factors. The court should not impose harsh requirements on the power of execution, and the court is not omnipotent. For cases that cannot be executed within the legal time limit, the cases should be settled according to the measures prescribed by law, and judicial resources should not be used indefinitely. The suspension and termination of the execution procedure is the legal way of closing the case after the case has not been effectively dealt with. As a matter of fact, each party should abide by the final decision of the judicial organ, As other state organs, they should safeguard the final way of administration of justice and the res judicata of law. The operation of the enforcement power is still in many areas that need to be perfected. With the increasing enrichment of social life, the enforcement measures should be diversified and more adaptable, but the enforcement right as a means to compensate for the damage to the right is limited. As a person with social ability, he should bear the adverse consequences of social risks when he still can not reach the state of what should be done after taking all kinds of positive measures.


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