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发布时间:2018-09-03 18:57
[Abstract]:Application of legal reasoning is an important content of judgment reasoning, which is composed of applicable legal reasoning of conviction and applicable legal reasoning of sentencing, and is an explanation of the process of applying the law to solve the problem of conviction and sentencing. In practice, the applicable legal reasoning of most criminal judgments is too simple, which leads to insufficient reasoning and low acceptability of the whole judgment. Over the past decade, judgment reasoning has not improved. The research from the aspect of applicable legal reasoning is not only the innovation of the research angle, but also helps to make the judgment reasoning appear more concretely and to improve the rationality of judgment. In addition, the study of the legal reasoning of judgment application can also contribute to the current judicial reform. Based on the judgment of Yan Xiaotian and other three cases, this paper analyzes the applicable legal reasoning. Through analysis, it is found that there are problems in the applicable legal reasoning of the three judgments. The specific manifestations are: the conviction is mainly lack of legal provisions of the display and explanation, the analysis of the crime is inadequate; sentencing is reflected in the application of the main punishment of inadequate reasoning, the application of supplementary punishment is abnormally light. The causes of these problems are internal and external. The internal reason is mainly the judge's own reason, mainly has two aspects. First, the judges have insufficient understanding of the audience scope of applicable law reasoning and lack of clear understanding of the reasoning needs of various audience groups. Second, when the judge applies the legal reasoning specifically, he does not realize the function of the legal interest analysis in the application of the law reasoning, which is manifested in the following aspects: conviction, neglecting the role of the legal interest analysis in the determination of the crime, the crime and the other crime. In the aspect of sentencing, the function of legal interest analysis in determining sentencing interval is ignored. The external reason is mainly from the judge's applicable legal reasoning environment and system level to carry on the analysis. In the aspect of applicable legal reasoning environment, judges are influenced by the current conviction reasoning mode, the traditional concept of "light sentencing" and the independence of trial. The function of legal document guidance also has limitation. The above reasons together led to the lack of legal reasoning in the application of the judgment. Through the above analysis, the author puts forward some suggestions to solve the legal reasoning problem of judgment application from two angles: positive and side, combined with the background of the current judicial reform. Specifically, the positive suggestion is to construct a new model of applicable legal reasoning, which mainly starts from clarifying the constitution of conviction and sentencing applicable legal reasoning. Establish the evaluation mechanism of applicable legal reasoning and perfect the judgment answering mechanism.


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