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发布时间:2018-09-04 13:31
[Abstract]:With the expansion of land expropriation scale, disputes arising from land expropriation also have a positive correlation with each other. In the process of collecting and distributing compensation funds, contradictions and disputes occur frequently. Although the legal consciousness of the peasants is weak, the fairness and justice they believe in still rest on the "law". Therefore, most of them choose to litigate the disputes to the courts. Please ask the court to rule on it. However, at present, there are few provisions in Chinese law on the collection and distribution of compensation, and there are many judicial explanations on whether to accept such dispute cases, and on the determination of the cause of the case, the qualification of the main body of the lawsuit, There are no relevant provisions in the decisions of substantive disputes, leading to the acceptance of such cases by local courts. When hearing such cases, there are no clear legal provisions to refer to, and different results are dealt with. However, the same types of cases have different results of judgment. If the case needs to enter the execution procedure, there are also many difficulties. In view of the land expropriation compensation allocation dispute settlement involves the construction of a harmonious and stable social environment. This paper makes an empirical analysis on the litigation of this kind of dispute cases, from the perspective of real typical cases in the practical circle, analyzes the present situation of litigation in resolving such disputes, and then probes into the defects and causes of the way of litigation settlement, and puts forward some solutions. The first part is a brief introduction to the origin, background, literature review, research methods and possible innovations and shortcomings of the paper. The second part analyzes the situation of this kind of disputes in the field of practice against the background of the selected instruments. It mainly includes the filing of land requisition and distribution dispute, the formulation of the case, and the analysis of the subject's qualification. The third part is based on the analysis of the second part of the real cases, from 150 judgments summed up in practice through the way of civil action to solve the land requisition compensation allocation dispute problems and reasons. The fourth part puts forward the solutions to the above problems, and puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the settlement of land expropriation and compensation distribution disputes.


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