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发布时间:2018-09-07 07:28
【摘要】:未成年人是社会的未来和希望,未成年人刑事司法理应以弱化惩罚功能,强化教育挽救功能,更加注重发挥保护和预防功能为己任。这也符合国际社会所倡导的未成年人刑事司法“非刑事化、非监禁化、轻刑化”的价值理念。但是追求未成年人刑罚设置的非监禁化以及刑罚执行的社会化,并不意味着简单地将其置于社会处遇中即可,要想达到教育挽救的目的,相关制度的设立就显得尤为关键。未成年人观护制度正是在这种背景下应运而生的,因其对未成年人刑事司法的关键意义,逐渐演变为现代未成年人刑事司法不可或缺的重要制度之一 除台湾和港澳地区以外,我国尚未正式确立未成年人观护制度。但是2012年新修订的刑事诉讼法在未成年人刑事诉讼程序中正式规定了附条件不起诉,为涉嫌轻微犯罪的未成年人提供了社会处遇中接受教育矫正以代替监禁刑罚的法律依据。正是以此为契机,本文提出了构建附条件不起诉观护制度的构想,在附条件不起诉的监督考察环节,借鉴观护制度的理念和内容设计,对涉罪未成年人进行监督、管束、教育、帮助以及保护,从而达到恢复其社会功能,促进其回归社会的诉求,发挥权利保护和预防犯罪的功能。 本文分为四大部分,在阐述附条件不起诉观护制度相关概念的基础上,分析了当前我国构建附条件不起诉观护制度的必要性和可行性,并对附条件不起观护主体和程序的构建进行了探讨和分析: 第一部分对本文提出的附条件不起诉观护制度的相关概念进行了界定。首先对观护制度的内涵和外延进行了介绍,并总结了本文提出的附条件不起诉观护制度中观护的应有之义。其次强调了附条件不起诉的前提,它界定了附条件不起诉观护制度的适用对象与程序设计。 第二部分论述了当前在我国构建附条件不起诉观护制度的必要性与可行性。从附条件不起诉观护制度在贯彻关于未成年人特殊保护的原则、弥补附条件不起诉监督考察环节的不足以及促进未成年人回归社会等方面的意义,阐述了构建附条件不起诉观护制度的必要性。恢复性司法和教育刑理念的深入和推广,国外及我国台湾地区观护制度的成熟经验为我国构建附条件不起诉观护制度提供了理论基础和有益参考,亦使其具备了可行性。 第三部分讨论了附条件不起诉观护主体的构建。明确了检察机关决定主体和监督执行主体的职能定位;在观护执行主体上以司法社工为核心,分析了其在专业知识、专业理念和专业角色方面与附条件不起诉观护制度的契合;社会力量是辅助的观护执行主体,主要表现为其他国家机关和基层群众性自治组织、第三部门以及公司、企业与社会志愿者等机构和人员。 第四部分探讨了附条件不起诉观护程序的构建。从社会调查程序前置以及具体程序设置两个阶段强调了附条件不起诉观护程序的紧密衔接,并对观护整体工作形成有力监督。
[Abstract]:Juveniles are the future and hope of the society. Juvenile criminal justice should weaken the function of punishment, strengthen the function of education and rescue, and pay more attention to the function of protection and prevention. The non-imprisonment of adult penalty and the socialization of penalty execution do not mean simply placing it in social circumstances. To achieve the purpose of education and salvation, the establishment of relevant systems is particularly critical. The key meaning has gradually evolved into one of the indispensable systems of modern juvenile criminal justice.
In addition to Taiwan and Hong Kong and Macao, China has not formally established a minor care system. However, the newly revised Criminal Procedure Law in 2012 formally stipulates conditional non-prosecution in the minor criminal proceedings, providing minors suspected of minor crimes with social treatment in place of the law of imprisonment penalty by receiving education and correction. Based on this, this paper puts forward the idea of constructing conditional non-prosecution guardianship system. In the supervision and investigation link of conditional non-prosecution, the concept and content design of the guardianship system are used for reference to supervise, control, educate, help and protect juveniles involved in crimes, so as to restore their social functions and promote their return to society. Appealing to give full play to the functions of rights protection and crime prevention.
This paper is divided into four parts. On the basis of explaining the related concepts of conditional non-prosecution care system, the necessity and feasibility of constructing conditional non-prosecution care system in China are analyzed, and the construction of conditional non-prosecution care subject and procedure are discussed and analyzed.
The first part defines the relevant concepts of conditional non-prosecution care system proposed in this paper. First, it introduces the connotation and extension of the care system, and summarizes the proper meaning of care in conditional non-prosecution care system proposed in this paper. Secondly, it emphasizes the premise of conditional non-prosecution, which defines conditional non-prosecution. The application object and procedure design of the litigation protection system.
The second part elaborates the necessity and feasibility of constructing conditional non-prosecution care system in our country at present. The paper expounds the significance of conditional non-prosecution care system in implementing the principle of special protection for minors, making up for the insufficiency of supervision and inspection of conditional non-prosecution and promoting minors to return to society. It is necessary to establish conditional non-prosecution care system. The deepening and popularization of restorative justice and educational penalty concept, and the mature experience of foreign countries and Taiwan provide theoretical basis and useful reference for our country to construct conditional non-prosecution care system, and make it feasible.
The third part discusses the construction of the subject of conditional non-prosecution care. Quantity is an assistant subject of nursing execution, which is mainly manifested by other state organs and grass-roots mass autonomous organizations, the third sector, companies, enterprises and social volunteers and other institutions and personnel.
The fourth part discusses the construction of conditional non-prosecution nursing procedure, emphasizing the close connection of conditional non-prosecution nursing procedure from the two stages of social investigation procedure and specific procedure settings, and forming a strong supervision over the whole nursing work.


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