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发布时间:2018-09-07 15:47
[Abstract]:With the development of knowledge economy, the intellectual property disputes in our country have increased by blowout in recent years. A large number of intellectual property litigation is an indigestible heavy burden to the court, and to the parties intellectual property litigation is also a time-consuming and lengthy process, in which case, It is necessary to seek alternative dispute settlement mechanism outside litigation according to the characteristics of intellectual property disputes. This is not only an inevitable response to the problem of intellectual property dispute resolution, but also a beneficial attempt to build a diversified civil and commercial legal dispute resolution mechanism. Vigorously develop intellectual property arbitration to build a diversified mechanism of intellectual property dispute settlement in China, alleviate the enormous burden brought by a large number of frequent intellectual property cases to the normal order of the market, and promote the healthy and orderly development of the knowledge economy in China. It will be of great significance to build a powerful intellectual property power. Theoretically, from a utilitarian point of view, arbitration has the characteristics of professionalism, confidentiality, quickness, flexibility and so on, which are closely related to the special needs of intellectual property dispute resolution, and thus have great potential in the field of intellectual property dispute settlement. We should play a positive role in saving social costs and promoting social transactions. From the perspective of private rights, private rights as the essential attribute of intellectual property rights, the parties should fully respect their autonomy in the disposition of intellectual property rights. Here, the principle of autonomy of meaning should include the possibility and freedom of choosing the way of dispute resolution, thus showing the sacred legal pursuit of private rights, and thus reflecting the value of legal protection of civil liberties. In practice, the current situation of intellectual property arbitration in China is not optimistic. First, the number of arbitration institutions specialized in resolving such disputes is relatively small, and its independence and professionalism are difficult to guarantee; The second is the small number of intellectual property disputes in the whole arbitration industry; the third is the single type of cases in intellectual property arbitration cases, mainly focused on contract disputes, while the infringement dispute and validity dispute are rarely or basically not involved. Because the public policy in the intellectual property law strongly restricts the type of arbitrable cases, the rough provisions of the interim measures of arbitration have affected the obligee to stop the illegal infringement quickly, and the tendency of arbitration litigation has led to the reduction of the rate of dispute settlement, and so on. As a result, the development of intellectual property arbitration in China is not ideal, so it is difficult to realize the utilitarian value and social value that should be embodied in the system design. Therefore, it is necessary to break the gap between theoretical assumption and practical operation through a series of measures, to break down the predicament of intellectual property arbitration in our country at present, and to promote the further development of intellectual property arbitration. For example, under a strict matching system, the scope of intellectual property arbitration cases should be appropriately expanded, the arbitrability of contracts and infringement disputes should be clearly defined, and an attempt should be made to allow valid disputes to be submitted to arbitration for settlement, but to specify the blocking nature of the validity of the award. The parties may not invoke the relevant award as evidence of validity outside the case; further improve the relevant provisions on interim measures and allow the arbitral tribunal to issue decisions on interim measures that do not have absolute mandatory effect, The presumption of adverse award urges the parties to take the initiative to perform the relevant decisions, and helps the parties to the dispute to speed up the process of arbitration by choosing to apply the expedited arbitration procedure and formulating the arbitration rules on a case-by-case basis.


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