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发布时间:2018-09-07 11:37
[Abstract]:In response to the defense of the defendant in the crime of counterfeiting a registered trademark on the Internet, There are different understandings and practices in judicial practice. The guiding case No. 87 expresses the main thrust of the decision that "the defendant does not have evidence to prove that his' brush 'excuse is not to be taken." Another judicial authority based on a certain evidence (clue) provided by the defendant or even the defendant's explanation of the process of "brushing" the defense of "brushing". From the theoretical point of view, the defense of the defendant's "brushing" is a negative defense against the amount of the alleged crime rather than a "phantom defense", and the defendant should not bear the burden of proof for this plea in theory. However, this theory is restricted by such realistic factors as "the difficulty of determining the amount of cybercrime", "the common sense of the defendant's understanding of the situation of the order brushing" and "the difference of the judges' confidence in the status of the order brushing in the field of e-commerce". It is difficult to reach its ideal state in judicial practice. From the view of criminal policy, the mode of rational proof in judicial practice should be the model of defense free proof and the standard of "reasonable conviction". That is, the defendant can influence the judge's inner conviction by providing a certain evidence (clue) or oral explanation of the "brushing" process, and this inner conviction does not need to achieve complete objective assurance, but only needs to be reasonably acceptable.
【作者单位】: 大连理工大学法律系;


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