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发布时间:2018-09-08 14:25
【摘要】:2012年新修改的刑事诉讼法专门增加了强制医疗程序。这一特别程序的增设,在社会秩序的保护和公共安全的保障等方面发挥了重要作用。然而,新法在具体程序的规定上并不健全。尤其是权利救济、检察院行使监督权、强制医疗定期评估期限等诸多方面的规定都相当模糊,甚至有很多规定没有具体的操作规程,从而不利于司法实践和当事人权利的保护。更应值得我们注意的是,对于法律规定的应当负刑事责任的精神病人,诉讼法并没强制医疗的相应规定。这无疑是法律的一大缺失。因为这类病人在监狱服刑过程中,疾病随时都有可能复发从而造成监管困难。同时,当他们刑满释放以后,又会成为社会公共安全的隐患。从人权的角度来说,这类病人获得医疗救治的权利被剥夺,实际上也是对他们基本人权的践踏。本文通过对我国当前精神病犯罪强制医疗现状进行分析,从而提出完善我国精神病犯罪人强制医疗程序的建议。 本文共有三大章节 第一章,简述强制医疗制度,并且阐述我国强制医疗程序的发展及现状。 第二章,主要分析新刑诉法出台后,我国强制医疗程序立法的不足之处。 第三章,借鉴国内外的先进立法成果和学者专著,针对我国的实际情况,提出完善我国强制医疗程序的几点建议。
[Abstract]:Compulsory medical procedures were specifically added to the newly amended Criminal procedure Code in 2012. The addition of this special procedure plays an important role in the protection of social order and public safety. However, the new law in the specific procedures of the provisions are not sound. Especially the right relief, the procuratorate exercises the supervision power, the compulsory medical treatment periodic appraisal period and so on many aspects stipulation are all quite fuzzy, even has many stipulation not to have the concrete operation procedure, thus is unfavorable to the judicial practice and the party rights protection. It should be noted that there is no compulsory medical treatment for mental patients who are criminally responsible under the law. This is undoubtedly a great flaw in the law. Because such patients are in prison, the disease can recur at any time, making supervision difficult. At the same time, when they are released from prison, it will become a hidden danger of social public safety. From a human rights point of view, the denial of such patients' access to medical care is in effect a violation of their basic human rights. Based on the analysis of the current situation of compulsory medical treatment for psychiatric crimes in China, this paper puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the compulsory medical procedures for psychiatric offenders in China. This paper consists of three chapters: the first chapter, briefly describes the compulsory medical system, and describes the development and current situation of compulsory medical procedures in China. The second chapter mainly analyzes the deficiency of the compulsory medical procedure legislation after the new criminal procedure law came into being. The third chapter, draw lessons from the domestic and foreign advanced legislative achievements and scholars' monographs, according to the actual situation of our country, put forward some suggestions to perfect the compulsory medical procedure in our country.


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