[Abstract]:The rule of law is a glue that holds all parts of society together safely. It provides a way for people to know and negotiate about rights and obligations in advance. I have something that you want to get. You'll need to negotiate with me about the price without encroaching on it. Therefore, in this important sense, the law actually gives people freedom rather than restriction. It is customary to attribute the value of the rule of law to the description of rights and their corresponding obligations. There is some truth in this view, but it obscures some equally important factors, that is, there is no accurate resolution of the dispute-in other words, without an accurate factual determination-rights and obligations are meaningless. The evidence law is the most important part of the rule of law, and a perfect evidence law can not ensure the realization of the rule of law, but it is absolutely an essential part of the rule of law. However, it is not easy to construct a perfect law of evidence, because the rules of evidence belong to a part of the litigation theory, and the theory of litigation is contained in the theory of government. In addition, there are still differences on how to find the truth most efficiently and effectively, and, related to it, when the value of seeking truth is in a competitive relationship with other social values, what is better, There are also differences about how to choose and choose. Finally, the involvement of layman (e. G. Jurors) affects the structure of the proceedings. In a word, the evidence law should settle at least five problems, namely: structure problem, epistemological problem, social problem, management problem and executive problem.
【作者单位】: 中国政法大学证据科学研究院外国专家咨询委员会;中国政法大学诉讼法学研究院;中国政法大学证据科学研究院;
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