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发布时间:2018-09-09 18:15
【摘要】:我国的刑罚体系是由资格刑、自由刑、生命刑以及财产刑共同构成,而财产刑作为我国刑罚方法之一,无论是在我国的司法实践之中还是在我国的刑罚理论界中,财产刑都占有着重要的地位。我国财产刑的执行制度自新中国成立以来已经经历了一个漫长而艰辛的成长过程,取得了许多值得称颂的进步。但是就目前来看,财产刑的刑罚功能在现实生活中却很难实现,主要是由于财产刑执行程序缺乏明确具体的法律规定、未将犯罪人的财产状况作为财产刑适用的考量因素、缺少对预付保证金能否影响量刑方面的法律规定、财产刑的执行情况对自由刑的减免未产生影响以及财产刑执行监督渠道缺乏等问题的存在。刑罚如果离开了执行,那么便毫无意义,因此对财产刑的执行问题进行研究有其客观必要性。 伴随着社会文明程度的逐步提高以及经济文化的不断发展,,刑罚轻缓化已经变成了世界的潮流,尤其是到了20世纪之后,财产刑特别是罚金刑的地位在我国刑罚体系中不断提升,为了适应这一历史潮流的发展,我们必须不断完善与财产刑有关的制度,使其最大限度的发挥到预防和惩治犯罪方面的作用。 本文主要由四个部分构成:首先,对我国财产刑执行制度的基本理论进行了阐述,主要包括财产刑的概念及特点、财产刑执行的基本原则以及设置财产刑的意义三方面的内容。其次,对国外一些国家的财产刑执行制度进行了考察。再次,剖析了目前我国财产刑执行的现状以及存在的主要问题。最后,多角度的提出了完善我国财产刑执行制度的具体措施。
[Abstract]:The penalty system of our country is composed of qualification penalty, freedom penalty, life penalty and property penalty. As one of the penalty methods in our country, the property penalty is not only in the judicial practice of our country, but also in the penalty theory circle of our country. Property punishment occupies an important position. Since the founding of New China, the execution system of property penalty has gone through a long and arduous process of growth, and has made many praiseworthy progress. But at present, the function of property punishment is difficult to realize in real life, mainly due to the lack of clear and specific legal provisions on the execution procedure of property punishment, and the fact that the property status of the offender is not taken into account in the application of property punishment. The lack of legal provisions on whether the advance bond can affect the sentencing, the fact that the execution of the property penalty has no effect on the remission of the free penalty, and the lack of supervision channels for the execution of the property penalty. If penalty leaves execution, it is meaningless, so it is necessary to study the execution of property penalty. With the gradual improvement of social civilization and the continuous development of economy and culture, the mitigation of punishment has become the trend of the world, especially after the 20th century. In order to adapt to the development of this historical trend, we must constantly improve the system related to property punishment, especially the status of pecuniary punishment, especially the fine penalty, in order to adapt to the development of this historical trend. To maximize its role in the prevention and punishment of crime. This paper mainly consists of four parts: first, the basic theory of property penalty execution system is expounded, including the concept and characteristics of property punishment, the basic principles of property punishment execution and the significance of setting property penalty. Secondly, the property penalty enforcement system in some foreign countries is investigated. Thirdly, it analyzes the present situation and main problems of property penalty execution in our country. Finally, the author puts forward the concrete measures to perfect the execution system of property penalty.


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