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发布时间:2018-09-10 06:12
【摘要】:本文以新《刑事诉讼法》强制证人出庭作证制度为主题,在结合我国的实践情况和比较研究国内外相关制度的基础之上,提出完善我国刑事强制证人出庭作证制度的建议和规范该制度的实施程序的建议,以期使该制度得到真正的贯彻落实,达到提高证人出庭率的立法预期。文章共分为五个部分,具体包括: 第一部分:从刑事诉讼强制证人出庭作证的概念功能出发,得出强制措施是保障证人出庭作证的最后手段,也是相较于证人出庭保障制度的优越之处。 第二部分:着重分析刑事诉讼强制证人出庭作证制度的法律基础,以论证该制度的正当性。 第三部分:从各国强制证人出庭制度的理论基础和法律规定入手,比较该制度的共同点和不同点,提出我国应当从程序角度,从被告人对质权的角度去构建我国刑事诉讼强制证人出庭作证制度。 第四部分:从新刑诉强制证人出庭作证制度的立法背景到各项具体规则的设置,来阐述我国刑事诉讼强制证人出庭作证制度的主要内容,结合我国的实践现状,及国外该制度的相关规定,分析我国强制证人出庭作证制度中存在的问题。 第五部分:从我国刑事诉讼强制证人出庭作证存在的问题出发,以该制度的实施程序为主线,提出相关的改进意见,以确保刑事强制证人出庭作证制度的有效实施,真正发挥其保障证人出庭作证的作用。
[Abstract]:This article takes the new "Criminal procedure Law" compulsory witness to testify in court system as the theme, in combination with our country's practice situation and the comparative research domestic and foreign related system foundation, This paper puts forward some suggestions on perfecting the system of compulsory witnesses appearing in court and standardizing the implementation procedure of the system in order to make the system carry out and reach the legislative expectation of increasing the rate of witnesses appearing in court. The article is divided into five parts, including: the first part: from the concept function of compulsory witness appearing in court in criminal procedure, it comes to the conclusion that the coercive measure is the last means to ensure the witness to testify in court. It is also the advantage of the witness court protection system. The second part analyzes the legal basis of the system of compulsory witness appearing in court in criminal procedure to prove the legitimacy of the system. The third part: starting with the theoretical basis and legal provisions of the compulsory witness appearance system in various countries, compares the common points and differences of the system, and points out that our country should start from the point of view of procedure. From the point of view of defendant's right to pledge, the system of compulsory witness appearing in court in criminal procedure in our country is constructed. The fourth part: from the legislative background of the system of compulsory witness appearing in court in the new criminal suit to the setting of each concrete rule, to expound the main content of the system of compulsory witness appearing in court in our criminal procedure, and combine the present situation of our country's practice. And the relevant provisions of the system abroad, analyzes the problems existing in the system of compulsory witness appearing in court in our country. The fifth part: starting from the problems existing in the compulsory witness appearing in court in criminal procedure in our country, taking the implementation procedure of this system as the main line, puts forward the related improvement suggestion, in order to ensure the effective implementation of the criminal compulsory witness appearing in court testifying system. To play a real role in ensuring witnesses to testify in court.


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