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发布时间:2018-09-10 17:23
[Abstract]:With the improvement of social and economic level, the number of criminal cases is also increasing, which makes the pressure of the judiciary increasing. Although China has reformed the judicial system through the introduction of summary procedure and the summary trial of ordinary criminal cases in which the accused pleads guilty, this problem cannot be solved completely. The plea bargaining system, which originated in the United States, can improve the efficiency of litigation to a great extent, and is brought into the scope of legislation by many countries. Plea bargaining system generally refers to the prosecution and defense in court before the trial, and the conviction, sentencing and other issues are negotiated, and finally by the procuratorial organs to the court to put forward lenient punishment, and so on, in exchange for the defendant's guilty defense. Although the plea bargaining system has not yet been introduced in our country, many of the ideas in the system can be used for reference and absorbed, thus alleviating the pressure on the judicial organs. This is also one of the core points discussed in this paper, which is divided into five chapters: firstly, it analyzes the concept of plea bargaining system and combs the theoretical basis of plea bargaining system. Then it introduces the case analysis of "the first case of plea bargaining" in Heilongjiang Province, and expounds some details of the after-effect caused by the event, and then puts forward the assumption that the system of plea bargaining may be introduced into our country. The second chapter concretely analyzes the necessity of introducing plea bargaining system into our country, including the requirements of improving the efficiency of litigation, making up for the deficiency of existing procedure and proceeding from the angle of the interests of the victims. The third chapter analyzes the feasibility of localization of plea bargaining system, which also provides the basis for the introduction of the system, including the requirements of building a harmonious society, the legislative enlightenment of the criminal reconciliation system. The further development of pragmatism and contract doctrine and the introduction of litigant litigation structure. However, it should be predicted that the introduction of the new system will be faced with many tests. Therefore, the fourth chapter focuses on the analysis of the obstacles that may be encountered in the process of institutional localization, such as pragmatism and contract culture, which are the basis of plea bargaining system, have not been fully accepted in our country. The litigation structure does not match with the plea bargaining system, the scope of prosecution discretion of procuratorial organs is relatively small, and the degree of acceptance of the right to silence system in China is four aspects. The last part of this paper outlines the possible forms of plea bargaining system introduced into our country, which is also an important part of the full text. On the one hand, it involves the design of the system itself, such as subject, scope, content, etc. Procedure and effectiveness analysis, but because the disconnection between this system and the judicial system of our country may cause great obstacles, on the other hand, it involves the reform of relevant system, such as the prosecution discretion of the procuratorial organ mentioned in the previous chapter. In addition, the protection of the rights of defense counsel and the perfection of the extremely important system of discovery of evidence. Plea bargaining system has played a great role in countries such as the United States, but also caused some adverse consequences. Any system may be a double-edged sword. When introducing plea bargaining system, our country should localize the system, draw lessons from its advantages, and minimize its adverse effects. So as to establish the system of plea bargaining with Chinese characteristics.


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