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发布时间:2018-09-10 20:07
【摘要】:正确处理消费者群体诉讼当事人与当事人适格问题,是启动诉讼程序,解决消费者群体纠纷的前提条件。这一问题的解决关系到当事人诉讼权利与法院裁判权的正确行使。因此,如何正确的界定消费者群体诉讼当事人适格的概念及其内涵,既具有理论上的意义,更具有实践意义。无论是在理论上还是在司法实践中,我国目前对消费者群体诉讼当事人适格理论研究的还不够深入,根据传统当事人适格理论建立起的群体诉讼制度存在严重弊端,,无法满足当事人维护集团性、扩散性的消费权益需求,使本应受到保护的当事人得不到保护,因此有必要突破传统的当事人适格理论,扩大当事人适格的范围,借鉴国外关于消费者群体诉讼的相关立法及司法实践。 本文第一部分就传统当事人适格的概念与学史演进进行简要的梳理与。首先,界定和区分何为当事人,以及当事人适格的内涵,并引出当事人适格的概念。其次,系统的梳理了传统当事人适格理论的学说,就德国、日本以及美国当事人适格理论分别进行阐释,以期对当事人适格理论的沿革有一个充分的认识。 本文第二部分介绍了消费者群体诉讼及其对传统当事人适格理论的影响。首先,介绍消费者群体诉讼的概念及其特征。其次,深入分析了消费者群体诉讼的困境,就共同诉讼的不足与代表人诉讼的缺陷进行了深刻的剖析。最后,引出消费者群体诉讼的出现对传统当事人适格理论的影响及其学说。 本文第三部分就消费者群体诉讼当事人适格扩张的必要性和可行性进行分析。首先,阐述了消费者群体诉讼当事人适格的必要性。既是管理权理论的局限性的外在需求,也是程序保障与纷争的一次性解决二者平衡的内在必然。其次,详细论述了当事人适格扩张的理论可行性。在诉之利益的理论基础上对传统当事人适格的扩张,并在诉讼担当和诉讼信托基础上建立起的消费者群体诉讼制度,使消费者群体纠纷得到高效、便捷、公正的解决成为可能。最后,还有现代型消费者群体诉讼的立法实践。 本文第四部分从制度上对消费者群体诉讼当事人适格扩张进行分析。首先,介绍德国消费者团体诉讼制度,阐释德国消费者团体诉讼的概念及其历史发展,系统分析了团体诉讼制度的理论依据、诉讼前提、适用范围及效力扩张。其次,介绍美国消费者集团诉讼制度,阐释集团诉讼的概念与历史发展,系统分析了集团诉讼的理论基础、前提条件及适用范围。最后,简要分析了日本的选定当事人诉讼制度。 本文第五部分就我国消费者群体诉讼当事人适格扩张的现实局限性及立法司法可行性进行了综合分析,并就扩张的意义进行了深入剖析。首先,分析了我国消费者群体诉讼当事人适格扩张的意义。其次,提出了构建我国消费者群体诉讼当事人适格的制度选择。
[Abstract]:It is a prerequisite to start the litigation procedure and resolve the disputes between the parties and the parties. The solution of this problem is related to the correct exercise of litigant's right of action and court's right of adjudication. Therefore, how to correctly define the concept and connotation of the parties in consumer group litigation is of both theoretical and practical significance. Whether in theory or in judicial practice, the research on the theory of suiting of the parties in consumer group litigation is not deep enough in our country at present, and there are serious drawbacks in the system of group action established according to the traditional theory of party qualification. It is necessary to break through the traditional theory of party's qualification and expand the scope of party's qualification because it can not meet the demand of party's maintenance of group and diffuse consumption rights and interests, so that the party who should be protected can not be protected. Draw lessons from the relevant legislation and judicial practice of consumer group action abroad. The first part of this paper briefly combs the concept of traditional party qualification and the evolution of the history of learning. First of all, it defines and distinguishes what is a party, and the connotation of party suitability, and leads to the concept of party suitability. Secondly, it systematically combs the theory of the traditional theory of party qualification, and explains the theory of party fitness in Germany, Japan and the United States respectively, in order to have a full understanding of the evolution of the theory of party qualification. The second part introduces the consumer group action and its influence on the traditional theory of party fitness. First, introduce the concept and characteristics of consumer group action. Secondly, it deeply analyzes the plight of consumer group action, and deeply analyzes the deficiency of joint action and representative action. Finally, the influence of the emergence of consumer group action on the traditional theory of party fitness and its theory is elicited. The third part of this paper analyzes the necessity and feasibility of the expansion of consumer group litigation parties. First of all, the author expounds the necessity of suiting the litigant in consumer group litigation. It is not only the external demand of the limitation of the management right theory, but also the internal necessity of the one-off solution of the procedural guarantee and the dispute. Secondly, the theoretical feasibility of the extension of the party's suitability is discussed in detail. Based on the theory of the interests of litigation, the expansion of the traditional litigant's suitability, and the establishment of the consumer group litigation system on the basis of litigation burden and litigation trust, make it possible to solve the consumer group dispute efficiently, conveniently and justly. Finally, there is a modern consumer group litigation legislative practice. In the fourth part of this paper, the author analyzes the appropriate expansion of consumer group litigant. First of all, it introduces the German consumer group litigation system, explains the concept and historical development of German consumer group action, and systematically analyzes the theoretical basis, the litigation premise, the scope of application and the expansion of the effectiveness of the group action system. Secondly, it introduces the American consumer group litigation system, explains the concept and historical development of class action, and systematically analyzes the theoretical basis, preconditions and scope of application of class action. In the end, the author briefly analyzes the litigation system of selected parties in Japan. In the fifth part of this paper, the author makes a comprehensive analysis of the practical limitations and the legislative and judicial feasibility of the expansion of the litigants in consumer group litigation in China, and makes a thorough analysis of the significance of the expansion. First of all, the author analyzes the significance of the appropriate expansion of consumer group litigation parties in China. Secondly, it puts forward the system choice of constructing the suitably suit of consumer group litigant in our country.


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