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发布时间:2018-09-11 06:21
【摘要】:2012年《刑事诉讼法》修订以后专门增设了依法不负刑事责任的精神病人强制医疗程序,随后最高人民法院、最高人民检察院和公安部也相继出台了相关解释及程序性规定,对强制医疗程序的对象、决定、启动、审理、解除及法律监督等方面进行了补充。这是我国针对精神病人犯罪立法规制迈出的一大步,虽然已经有了上述规定,但从复杂多变的司法实践来看,上述规定过于笼统,缺乏严谨性和具体操作性。 强制医疗制度设置的重点环节主要包括:强制医疗适用范围的确定、强制医疗的启动、强制医疗的审理、强制医疗的执行和解除程序。首先,通过对这些重点环节的分析,借鉴域外相关制度设置的经验,找出我国强制医疗制度设置上的不足,进而提出完善强制医疗制度设置的建议。最后从宏观的角度,对强制医疗制度的完善提出了一些配套措施,主要包括做好精神病人普查工作、完善监护制度、设立精神病人救治基金、非政府组织参与强制医疗、精神病纳入政府免费医疗范围等。通过配套措施对强制医疗制度的辅助,有利于从源头防止精神病人实施危害社会的行为,可以有效辅助精神病人强制医疗工作的开展。配套措施需要病人家属、社区、卫生、非政府组织、政府等各部门及社会公众的共同努力,经过配套措施与强制医疗制度互相配合,精神病强制医疗能够取得更好的法律效果。 精神病人强制医疗制度的实施,既是对精神病人自由的限制,以维护社会秩序的安定,也包含对精神病人权益的保护。由于强制医疗具体环节较为复杂,制度设置中遇到的难题较多,各国相关制度也在实践中不断完善。文章只是抛砖引玉,希望有更多的学者进行相关问题的研究,最终不断完善精神病人强制医疗制度的设置。
[Abstract]:After the revision of the "Criminal procedure Law" in 2012, the compulsory medical procedures for mental patients who were legally irresponsible were specifically added. Subsequently, the Supreme people's Court, the Supreme people's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security also issued related interpretations and procedural provisions one after another. The object, decision, initiation, trial, release and legal supervision of compulsory medical procedure are supplemented. This is a big step in the legislative regulation of the crime of mental patients in our country. Although there have been the above provisions, from the complex and changeable judicial practice, the above provisions are too general and lack of rigor and concrete operation. The key links of the compulsory medical system include the determination of the applicable scope of compulsory medical treatment, the initiation of compulsory medical treatment, the trial of compulsory medical treatment, the execution of compulsory medical treatment and the procedure of lifting the compulsory medical treatment. First of all, through the analysis of these key links, draw lessons from the experience of overseas related systems, find out the deficiencies in the setting of compulsory medical system in China, and then put forward some suggestions to improve the setting of compulsory medical system. Finally, from a macro point of view, some supporting measures are put forward to improve the compulsory medical system, including doing a good job in the general survey of mental patients, perfecting the guardianship system, setting up a fund for the treatment of mental patients, and non-governmental organizations participating in compulsory medical treatment. Mental illness is included in the free medical care of the government and so on. Through the auxiliary measures to the compulsory medical treatment system, it is beneficial to prevent the mental patients from carrying out the behavior harmful to the society from the source, and can effectively assist the development of the compulsory medical treatment of the mental patients. The supporting measures need the joint efforts of the patients' family members, community, health, non-governmental organizations, government and other departments as well as the public. Through matching measures with the compulsory medical system, compulsory psychiatric care can achieve better legal effect. The implementation of compulsory medical treatment system for mental patients is not only the restriction of the freedom of mental patients to maintain the social order, but also the protection of the rights and interests of mental patients. Because of the complexity of the specific link of compulsory medical treatment and the difficulties encountered in the system setup, the relevant systems of various countries are constantly improved in practice. The article is just to draw the jade, hope that there are more scholars to study the related issues, and finally improve the compulsory medical care system for mental patients.


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