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发布时间:2018-09-11 11:25
[Abstract]:Preservation system, as a temporary measure to provide relief to infringed person before the substantive judgment is made, makes up for the deficiency of concrete lag in civil action as a means of relief after the fact. The preservation system can avoid the irreparable loss of the parties' rights and interests and realize legal justice. As an equally important preservation system as well as the property preservation system, the act preservation system was not universally applicable in Chinese law before the promulgation of the Civil procedure Law of the people's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "the Civil procedure Law") in 2012. This new Code of Civil procedure adds the act preservation system to fill the loophole and solves the embarrassing situation that the act preservation can only be applied to the special law in the past. However, through the analysis of the relevant provisions of the Preservation system in the New Civil procedure Law, it is not difficult to see that the combination of the act preservation and the property preservation can not reflect the uniqueness of the act preservation system itself. And there are some problems such as the legal norms are too principled and so on. The application requirements, security provisions, review procedures, execution procedures and relief procedures are not complete, and there is a lot of room for improvement. In order to make up for the defects in the procedure of the act preservation system and to solve the specific problems found, the act preservation system should make clear the application requirements and distinguish the general elements and the substantive elements of the preservation of the act of application. The essential elements of act preservation should include the claim right of act preservation, the necessity of act preservation and the measure of interest. The guarantee of act preservation should pay special attention to the problem of anti-guarantee. The construction of the examination procedure should solve the subject question of the examination, make clear the concrete way of the examination, especially the question of choosing the way of the written examination and the way of examining the seats. In the enforcement procedure, the specific measures to be implemented and the effectiveness of the enforcement measures against third parties should be clarified. In the relief procedure, perfect the reconsideration procedure and the compensation system of the act preservation ruling.


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