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发布时间:2018-09-11 11:32
[Abstract]:The civil retrial procedure is a special procedure to correct the errors in the cognizance of the facts of the case or the application of the law in the effective first or second instance civil cases. The existence of this procedure can ensure the quality of the case, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the civil subject, and realize judicial justice, which is an important supplement to the civil procedure. This paper analyzes the current situation of the civil retrial initiated by the court, the procuratorate and the parties, and makes a further in-depth study on its defects and shortcomings in the initiation of the civil retrial procedure. And put forward that we should construct the system of civil retrial initiation in our country reasonably. At present, our civil retrial in the initiation of the main provisions of the unreasonable. As a judicial organ, the people's court initiates the retrial on its own initiative, which not only does not accord with the theory of res judicata, but also runs counter to the neutral judge's status of the court. The people's Procuratorate, as a supervisory organ, also infringed upon the litigant's right of action and broke the balance of the equal-waist triangle in civil litigation, which directly resulted in the inequality of the status of both parties in the lawsuit. The procuratorial organ has the right to protest almost without any restriction of time and space, which leads to the waste of litigation resources and the conflict between the two parties. As the litigant who should be protected by law most urgently need to start retrial to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests but it is very difficult to start the retrial procedure. The party can only apply to the court or procuratorate and decide whether a retrial should be initiated. Obviously, this is quite unfavorable to the realization of litigant's right of action. The article argues that the people's court should be cancelled as the subject qualification for initiating the retrial, the people's procuratorate should retain the qualification of the retrial subject of limited protest, and finally establish the civil retrial starting subject mode of the litigant's retrial action. Only by adjusting the starting subject of the civil retrial in our country, constructing reasonably, giving the parties the right to start the retrial and establishing the action of the retrial, can the malpractice of the system of starting the civil retrial be fundamentally changed. So as to realize the principle of fairness and justice in civil procedure law.


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