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发布时间:2018-09-11 16:47
[Abstract]:In our country, the cases of infringing on public interest occur frequently, and people also seek judicial remedy consciously. However, the important procedural problem of judicial remedy is that the trial procedure has not attracted the attention of the academic circles and the judicial practice circle. So far, the public interest litigation cases are still applied to the trial procedure of the traditional civil litigation. This not only brings inconvenience to the litigation activities of judges and parties, but also reduces the acceptability of adjudication results. Based on this, this paper constructs the trial procedure of public interest litigation in our country. The main contents of this paper are as follows: the first part, trial procedure and constructive logic. The trial procedure mainly involves the exercise of the jurisdiction and the right of action. The disposition of litigant's right of action and court's jurisdiction is different in different trial procedure because of the difference of its litigation object. Constructing trial procedure according to the nature of dispute as the object of litigation is the basic logic of the construction of trial procedure in civil public interest litigation in China. The second part, the predicament of the traditional procedure to try the civil public interest litigation. Civil public interest litigation and traditional litigation have different trial modes because of their different nature of disputes resolved. The traditional litigation takes "adversary judgment" as its basic structure, while the parties in civil public interest litigation gradually change from confrontation to cooperation. This kind of difference has caused a series of conflicts, resolving these conflicts is the direct purpose of constructing the trial procedure of public interest litigation. The third part, our country civil public interest lawsuit trial procedure construction. This part is the core of this article, civil public interest litigation trial procedure is one of the types of trial procedure, should follow the trial procedure construction logic. The concrete contents are mainly from three aspects: the specific design of the litigant's right of action, the specific design of the exercise of the court's jurisdiction and the res judicata of the judgment made after the trial of civil public interest litigation. The concrete construction of the right of action and jurisdiction is the core of this paper, and the author expounds it in detail.


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