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发布时间:2018-09-11 17:01
【摘要】:2012年修改后的《民事诉讼法》增设确立了我国法上的第三人撤销之诉程序,并在立法体例将其纳入了当事人制度之中,但从适用主体、立法体例上的设置观察,新设程序被认为是立法者概念混淆的产物,加之原先的第三人参加诉讼制度立法的相对滞后造成司法实践混乱无序的现状,已经备受诟病,因此实有必要借此重新审视我国民事诉讼第三人制度。随着中国经济水平的不断发展、社会经济生活日趋复杂,利益诉求多元化已成常态,有第三人参与的案件已较为常见,而应予追加而未予追加,不应追加而盲目追加的情形时有发生,违反了法定程序,,损害了当事人的合法权益,息讼服判的美好愿景无从谈起,司法权威经受质疑。不言而喻,我国现行实施的民事诉讼法中有关第三人的规定,远远不能满足现实需要,对第三人制度进行研究梳理,具有充分的现实意义。 本文正文由四个部分组成,第一部分为民事诉讼第三人制度基本概述,含义和特征,作用、功能和价值等几个方面进行简单的概括阐述,明确几个重要的基本概念;第二部分,则是简要汇总美、德、日诉讼第三人制度,找出其相互之间的制度差异并试图探究成因,引出辅助参加制度的概念和特征,为后文做打基础、做铺垫;第三部分则回到我国民事诉讼的第三人制度现状,以民事诉讼法条文出发,分别对有独立请求权第三人、无独立请求权第三人的现状和理论进行梳理,并分别介绍两者的常见类型及运行缺陷,并介绍我国民事诉讼第三人制度两种主要完善方案,部分分解模式以及整体重构模式,分歧两者之间的区别与联系;第四部分也就是正文的最后部分,将在前文的研究基础上,提出对我国民事诉讼第三人制度的完善提出若干建议,如针对我国法上的第三人撤销之诉立法缺陷的完善和建议,设立告知程序、赋予当事人程序选择权等等。
[Abstract]:The addition of the revised Civil procedure Law in 2012 establishes the procedure of the third party's revocation in the law of our country, and brings it into the party system in the legislative style. However, it is observed from the set up of the applicable subject and the legislative style. The new procedure is considered to be the product of confusion of the concept of the legislator, and the relative lag of the third party's participation in the legislation of the litigation system has caused confusion and disorder in judicial practice, which has been criticized. Therefore, it is necessary to re-examine the third party system of civil action in China. With the continuous development of China's economic level, social and economic life is becoming increasingly complex, diversification of interest demands has become the norm, cases involving third parties have become more common and should be added instead of added. The situation that should not be appended and blindly appended happens from time to time, violates the legal procedure, damages the legal rights and interests of the parties, the fine vision of interest litigation and judgment is impossible to talk about, and the judicial authority is questioned. It goes without saying that the provisions concerning the third party in the current civil procedure law in our country are far from satisfying the practical needs. It is of full practical significance to study the third party system. This text is composed of four parts, the first part is the basic overview of the third party system of civil action, meaning and characteristics, role, function and value, and other aspects of a simple summary, clear several important basic concepts; the second part, It is a brief summary of the United States, Germany, Japan litigation of the third party system, find out the differences between the system and try to explore the cause of formation, leading to the concept and characteristics of the auxiliary participation system, to lay the foundation for the following text, do the groundwork; The third part goes back to the status quo of the third party system in civil litigation in our country, starting from the provisions of the civil procedure law, combing the present situation and theory of the third party with independent claim right and the third party without independent claim right, respectively. It also introduces the common types and operational defects of the two, and introduces the two main perfect schemes of the third party system of civil action in our country, the partial decomposition mode and the overall reconstruction mode, and the difference and relation between the two; The fourth part is the last part of the text, on the basis of the previous research, the author puts forward some suggestions on the perfection of the third party system of civil action in our country, such as the perfection and suggestion of the legislative defect of the third party revocation in our country's law. Setting up notification procedure, giving the parties the option of procedure and so on.


相关期刊论文 前9条

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3 许可;;论第三人撤销诉讼制度[J];当代法学;2013年01期

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1 张妮;第三人撤销之诉研究[D];西南政法大学;2012年




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