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发布时间:2018-09-13 11:00
[Abstract]:This paper attempts to study the application of the principles of law in our country by the method of contextual theory. Any scientific knowledge can only be meaningful in a specific context, that is, no context and no meaning. Based on the needs of China's judicial practice, this paper studies the application of legal principles in China from the perspective of Chinese judicial context. The article is divided into four parts. The first part focuses on the analysis of the current situation and problems of the application of legal principles in our country. This paper sums up and combs the problems of the application of legal principles in China's judicial practice. The second part, only based on the judicial context of our country to study the application of legal principles is more practical significance, therefore, this part mainly describes the specific context of the application of legal principles. In the third part, how to make the principle of law a proper adjudicative norm is a common problem faced by the theorists and the practitioners. However, there are many contextual factors that affect the application of the legal principles in judicial practice. This part analyzes the role of the extra-verbal context, the intra-linguistic context and the linguistic context in a case. For the application of the principle of law, we believe that the intra-linguistic context is the basis of the application of the legal principle. Context is a prerequisite for the application of the principle of law, and the external context is more an auxiliary factor. The fourth part, from the perspective of case study, makes a detailed analysis of how contextual factors permeate the judge's judgment. It can be concluded that the special case fact is the prerequisite for the judge to seek, select, interpret and apply the legal principles, and the legal norms in the text are the basis for the judge to construct the premise of adjudication. A proper adjudicative norm is bound to be made on the basis of the provisions in the comprehensive text of the judge, combined with the specific facts of the case and taking into account the reasonable expectations of the people at present.


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