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发布时间:2018-09-14 10:08
【摘要】:随着现代行政的发展,行政事务呈现出复杂性与专业性的特点,现在的行政行为通常需要经过两个及两个以上行政机关辅以不同的方式来合作完成。传统的行政行为效力理论以行政行为为中心,倾向于保障其执行的功能,而忽视了在形成过程当中的作用,并且行政行为更多地表现出行政机关作出的静态、干涉的决定,而行政过程中所形成的各种问题并没有达到与行政行为相类似的重视程度。因此,这种行为效力理论已经不能完全包含现代行政事务当中的所有问题。本文通过对行政过程论与违法性继承理论的简单介绍,对以公定力为核心的行政行为效力理论进行完善和补充,尝试建立一个以公定力理论为原则,违法性继承理论为例外的理论体系,并对现实司法实践中的司法审查制度加以完善。 本文主要分为四个部分。 第一部分:绪论。该部分主要是阐述本篇文章的研究背景以及选题意义,国内外研究成果,研究内容和相应地研究方法与创新之处,目的是为了更清晰的引出本文的主题。 第二部分:前阶段行政行为的概述。该部分主要是界定本文所写的前阶段行政行为的基本概念,本文所称前阶段行政行为,是指一个行政行为所依据的其他行政机关的行政行为,,并且该行为对结果产生重要的影响。同时介绍我国现阶段基础理论的兴起背景和发展阶段,并尝试接触违法性继承理论,为下文埋下伏笔。 第三部分:前阶段行政行为的司法审查的问题分析。该部分主要通过理论和具体制度两个角度阐述前阶段行政行为进入司法审查制度的障碍,通过具体分析前阶段行政行为的原告资格、受案范围、审查标准和分析模式等相关问题,来显示前阶段行政行为进入司法审查范围的困难性,同时也为具体的制度完善提供了帮助。 第四部分:我国前阶段行政行为司法审查的制度完善。该部分将初步探讨我国实现前阶段行政行为审查制度的可能路径,笔者首先简单介绍国外的行政过程论和违法性继承理论,并且以此来对多阶段行政行为的各阶段法律构造进行分析,通过具体的案例来分析阶段式行政行为的受案范围、诉讼时效、审查标准和审查方式等几个方面的内容,从而在原有的司法审查制度基础上对前阶段行政行为的司法审查进行完善。
[Abstract]:With the development of modern administration, administrative affairs show the characteristics of complexity and professionalism. Nowadays, administrative behavior usually needs two or more administrative organs to cooperate in different ways. The traditional theory of administrative action effectiveness is centered on administrative action and tends to guarantee its executive function, while neglecting its function in the process of formation. Moreover, it shows more static and interventionist decisions made by administrative organs. However, the problems formed in the administrative process have not reached the same level of attention as administrative behavior. Therefore, this kind of behavior effect theory can not completely include all the problems in modern administrative affairs. Through the brief introduction of the theory of administrative process and the theory of illegal inheritance, this paper perfects and complements the theory of the effectiveness of administrative act with the core of public power, and tries to establish a principle of taking the theory of public power as the principle. The theory of illegal inheritance is an exceptional theoretical system, and the judicial review system in practical judicial practice is perfected. This paper is divided into four parts. Part one: introduction. This part is mainly about the research background and the significance of the topic, the domestic and foreign research results, the research content, the corresponding research methods and innovations, in order to lead to the theme of this paper more clearly. The second part: the summary of administrative action in the former stage. This part is mainly to define the basic concept of pre-stage administrative act, which refers to the administrative acts of other administrative organs on which an administrative act is based. And the behavior has an important effect on the outcome. At the same time, it introduces the rising background and developing stage of the basic theory of our country at present, and tries to contact the theory of illegal inheritance. The third part: the analysis of the judicial review of administrative act in the former stage. This part mainly through the theory and the concrete system two angles elaborated the pre-stage administrative act to enter the judicial review system barrier, through the concrete analysis pre-stage administrative act plaintiff qualification, receives the case scope, The related problems such as the standard of examination and the mode of analysis show the difficulty of entering the scope of judicial review of administrative act in the former stage, and at the same time, it also provides the help for the improvement of the specific system. The fourth part: the perfection of the system of judicial review of administrative act in the former stage of our country. This part will preliminarily discuss the possible path of the administrative behavior review system in our country. Firstly, the author briefly introduces the foreign administrative process theory and illegal inheritance theory. And with this to analyze the legal structure of each stage of multi-stage administrative act, through specific cases to analyze the scope of cases, limitation of action, standards of review and the way of review and other aspects of the content. On the basis of the original judicial review system, the judicial review of administrative acts in the former stage is improved.


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