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发布时间:2018-09-14 10:49
【摘要】:2012年新修订的《民事诉讼法》第13条第1款明确规定“民事诉讼应当遵循诚实信用原则”。该原则的引入为防止当事人的权利滥用提供了立法上的依据,也赋予了法官在法律适用中为追求具体社会公正而解释或弥补法律漏洞的正当性。尽管对该原则的适用主体还有争议,但从理论上来说,除了适用于当事人以外,诚实信用原则也适用于法官。从现行立法文本来看,关于诚实信用原则所适用的路径及不同路径下的适用规则、司法实践中的具体适用情形和违反该原则的法律责任等问题尚未明确,该原则实际上呈现出令人担忧的空洞化状态。因此,本文将针对上述问题一一展开探讨。 本文包括绪论、正文、结语三个部分,其中正文由四章组成,主要内容如下: 第一章在明确法律原则适用的含义基础上,对诚实信用原则的适用主体范围作了广义的解释。然后,对诉讼诚信原则在当事人之间、当事人及法官之间适用的必要性、现实困境和制度保障进行了论述。 第二章在吸收法理学对法律原则如何适用的理论基础上,对民事诉讼中当事人直接援引诚实信用原则时的适用规则和法院直接援引诚实信用原则时的适用规则进行了详细论述,以避免该原则的滥用。 第三章具体分析了我国民事司法实务中诚实信用原则具体适用的表现形式。首先,对违反诚实信用原则诉讼行为的构成要件进行了总结;其次,重点探讨了两种场合下诚实信用原则的具体适用情形,具体分为当事人之间违反诚实信用原则的情形以及当事人与法院之间违反诚实信用原则的情形,,从而为法官识别、规范违反该原则的行为提供参考。 第四章主要是结合上文的分析,探讨民事诉讼中违反诚实信用原则的法律责任。首先,明晰承担法律责任的条件;其次,分别论述违反该原则的实体性责任的承担形式和程序性责任的承担形式,以保障诚实信用原则在民事诉讼中的有效实施。
[Abstract]:Article 13, paragraph 1, of the newly amended Code of Civil procedure in 2012 stipulates that "the principle of good faith shall be followed in civil proceedings." The introduction of this principle provides a legislative basis for the prevention of the abuse of rights of the parties, and also gives judges the legitimacy to interpret or make up the loopholes in the pursuit of specific social justice in the application of the law. Although the application of the principle is controversial, in theory, except for the parties, the principle of good faith also applies to judges. From the view of the current legislative text, the application of the principle of good faith and the applicable rules under different paths, the specific application situation in judicial practice and the legal liability for violating the principle have not yet been clarified. The principle actually presents a worrisome state of hollowing out. Therefore, this paper will discuss the above problems one by one. This paper includes three parts: introduction, text and conclusion, in which the text is composed of four chapters. The main contents are as follows: the first chapter is based on the clear meaning of the application of legal principles. This paper gives a broad explanation of the subject scope of the principle of good faith. Then, it discusses the necessity, realistic predicament and system guarantee of the application of the principle of good faith in litigation between the parties, the parties and the judges. The second chapter, on the basis of absorbing the theory of jurisprudence how to apply the principle of law, discusses in detail the applicable rules when the parties directly invoke the principle of good faith in civil litigation and the applicable rules when the court directly invokes the principle of good faith. To avoid abuse of the principle. The third chapter analyzes the concrete expression of the principle of good faith in the practice of civil justice in China. First of all, it summarizes the constitutive elements of the action of violating the principle of good faith. Secondly, it focuses on the concrete application of the principle of good faith in two situations. It can be divided into the situation of violating the principle of good faith between the parties and the situation of violating the principle of good faith between the parties and the court, thus providing a reference for the judge to identify and standardize the violation of the principle. Chapter four mainly discusses the legal liability of violating the principle of good faith in civil litigation. Firstly, the condition of legal liability should be clear; secondly, the form of substantive liability and the form of procedural responsibility should be discussed respectively to ensure the effective implementation of the principle of good faith in civil proceedings.


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