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发布时间:2018-09-16 20:36
[Abstract]:The filing procedure is the main switch to start the judicial relief procedure, so whether the filing system is reasonable or not plays an important role in the protection of the parties' legitimate rights and interests, the realization of judicial fairness and justice. In the new round of judicial reform in China in 2015, the system of filing registration has formally replaced the system of filing and examination, and has been established. From the civil filing examination system to the civil filing registration system is a major innovation in the filed field of civil litigation in China, and is also a great innovation of great social significance. Compared with the past way of filing a case under control, the civil filing registration system means that after the court receives the litigant's prosecution document, it does not examine the substance of the prosecution, but only checks whether the complaint conforms to the statutory formal requirements, and meets the requirements. The court shall register and file the case. The new service filing method is helpful to protect the litigant's right of action, promote the judicial credibility, resolve the problem of "filing case difficult" that our country is facing at present, promote the perfection of the civil litigation structure of our country, more accord with the essential request of the judicature. But there are two sides to everything. We must treat this system rationally and objectively, recognizing that the registration system reduces the threshold of litigation and facilitates the parties to settle disputes through judicial channels at the same time. To some extent, it also increases the risk of abuse of the right of action. Protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the parties to the maximum extent is the legislative intention of the establishment of the registration system, but when the original intention is also easy to be exploited by the wrongdoers to fall into the dilemma of abusing the right of action. The abuse of the right of action under the registration system has its own unique forms and characteristics, but the law does not provide for the concept and form of the abuse of the right of action under the registration system, and under the registration system, the abuse of the right of action is not regulated. A series of legislation, judicial and social reasons, such as weak supervision, insufficient coordination and coordination between judicial organs, lack of social integrity system, weak awareness of the parties' rule of law, have exacerbated the proliferation of abuse of the right of action. The abuse of the right of action not only consumes a great deal of material resources, financial resources and energy of the litigant, but also wastes valuable judicial resources, damages the just authority of the judiciary and disrupts the social order. These have touched the bottom line of the law and must be regulated. Only by strengthening the regulation of the abuse of the right of action can the court and the public re-establish their confidence in the registration system and ensure that the registration system becomes the highlight of the judicial reform. Therefore, the article intends to clarify the concept of abuse of the right of action, induces and integrates all kinds of situations that may arise, and constructs the system of regulating abuse of the right of action from three aspects: legislation, judicature and society. The aim is to strengthen the regulation of the abuse of the right of action under the registration system, to balance the balance between the protection of legitimate rights and interests and the exercise of the right of action, to avoid the malice or improper abuse of limited judicial resources, and to reshape the good legislative intention when the system is created.


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