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发布时间:2018-09-18 15:31
[Abstract]:In recent years, China's environmental pollution is increasingly serious, the ecological environment is deteriorating. Environmental civil public interest litigation has become a hot topic in academic circles, and local people's courts have gradually carried out environmental civil public interest litigation exploration practice. With the revision of the Civil procedure Law, the Environmental Protection Law, and the promulgation of a series of judicial interpretations and normative documents by the Supreme people's Court and the Supreme people's Procuratorate, China's environmental civil public interest litigation practice has entered a rapid development stage. However, environmental civil public interest litigation is still exposed many problems in judicial practice, the specific procedural rules are not operable, in the plaintiff's qualification, burden of proof, identification, mediation and other procedures are still inadequate and malpractice, Therefore, it is necessary to construct a set of environmental civil public interest litigation procedure rules system in accordance with the actual needs of trial. This paper is divided into six parts. The first part is an overview of the procedural rules of environmental civil public interest litigation, introduces the development of environmental civil public interest procedural rules in China, and analyzes the evolution of the procedural rules in legislative and judicial practice in chronological order. Further analysis of the procedural rules of public welfare and functions and powers of the characteristics. In the second part, the author analyzes the practice of environmental civil public interest litigation rules at home and abroad. The domestic part mainly introduces three representative environmental civil public welfare litigation practices in Guiyang, Yunnan and Jiangsu. Focusing on the highlights of its procedural rules, the foreign part investigates the practice of environmental civil public interest procedural rules in the United States, India and Japan, and obtains some enlightenment from its advanced practices. The third part, the environmental civil public interest litigation procedure, mainly elaborated the environmental civil public interest litigation plaintiff qualification legislation stipulation, and analyzed the plaintiff qualification existence question, has discussed the citizen, the environmental protection administration department emphatically, Whether procuratorial organs and social organizations have the right to initiate environmental civil public interest litigation. The fourth part, the environmental civil public interest litigation pretrial procedure, mainly introduces the necessity of setting up the pretrial procedure, as well as the problems existing in the pretrial procedure, focusing on the analysis of the environmental civil public interest litigation pretrial procedure of the right of interpretation. The fifth part, the environmental civil public interest litigation trial procedure, mainly from the burden of proof distribution, appraisal, mediation three aspects to discuss, analyzed the three procedural rules of necessity and existing problems. The sixth part, perfect the legal path of the environmental civil public interest litigation procedure rule, mainly from the prosecution procedure, the pretrial procedure and the trial procedure three angles, put forward some perfect suggestions to our country environment civil public interest lawsuit procedure rule.


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